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398.Xie, J., Supekova, L., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Metabolically Stable Analogue of Phosphotyrosine in E. coli." ACS Chem. Biol., 2(7):474-8, 2007.
397.Liu, W., Alfonta, L., Mack, A.V., Schultz, P.G. "Structural Basis for the Recognition of p-Benzoyl-L-phenylalanine by Evolved Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases." Angew. Chem., 46(32):6073-6075, 2007.
396.Chen, S., Takanashi, S., Zhang, Q., Xiong, W., Zhu, S., Peters, E.C., Ding, S., Schultz, P.G. "Reversine Increases the Plasticity of Lineage-Committed Mammalian Cells." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 104(25):10482-7, 2007.
395.Chen, S., Schultz, P.G., Brock, A. "An improved system for the generation and analysis of mutant proteins containing unnatural amino acids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae." J. Mol. Biol., 371: 112–122, 2007.
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393.Zhang, Q., Major, M., Takanashi, S., Camp, N., Nishiya, N., Ginsberg, M., Schultz, P.G., Moon, R.T., Ding, S. "A Small Molecule Synergist of the Wnt/β-catenin Signaling Pathway." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 104(18):7444-7448, 2007.
392.Gumireddy, K., Sun, F., Klein-Szanto, A.,J., Gibbins, J.M., Saunders, A., Schultz, P.G., Huang, Q. "In vivo Selection for Metastasis Promoting Genes in the Mouse." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 104(16):6696-701, 2007.
391.Hong, J., Lee, J., Min, K-H., Walker, J.R., Gray, N.S., Cho, C.Y., Schultz, P.G. "Identification and characterization of small molecule inducers of epidermal keratinocyte differentiation." ACS Chem. Biol., 2(3): 171-175, 2007.
390.Liu, Y., Kern, J.T., Johnson, J., Schultz, P.G., Luesch, H. "A genomic screen for activators of the antioxidant response element."Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 104(12):5205-5210, 2007.
389.Liu, W., Brock, A., Chen, S., Chen, S., Schultz, P.G. "The Genetic Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteins in Mammalian Cells." Nat. Methods, 4:239-244, 2007.
388.Macpherson, L.J., Dubin, A.E., Evans, M.J., Marr, F., Schultz, P.G., Cravatt, B.F., Patapoutian, A. "Noxious compounds activate TRPA1 ion channel via covalent modification of cysteines." Nature, 445(7127):541-5, 2007.
387.Galkin, A., Melnick, J., Kim, S., Hood, T., Li, N., Li, L., Xia, G., Steensma, R., Chopiuk, G., Jiang, J., Wan, Y., Ding, P. Zun, F., Schultz, P.G., Gray, N.S., Warmuth, M. "Identification of NVP-TAE684: A potent, selective and efficacious inhibitor of NPM-ALK." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 104(1):270-275, 2007.
386.Mukherji, M., Brill, L.M., Ficarro, S.B., Hampton, G.M., Schultz, P.G. "A Phosphoproteomic Analysis of the ErbB2 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Pathways." Biochemistry, 45(51):15529-15540, 2006.
385.Saraf-Levy, T., Santoro, S.W., Volpin, H., Kushnirsky, T., Eyal, Y., Schultz, P.G., Gidoni, D., Carmi, N. "Site-specific recombination of asymmetric lox sites mediated by a heterotetrameric Cre recombinase complex." Bioorg. Med. Chem., 14(9):3081-9, 2006.
384.Tian, F., Debler, E.W., Millar, D.P., Deniz, A.A., Wilson, I.A., Schultz, P.G. "Multilcolor Fluorescent Antibodies." Angew. Chem., 45(46):7763-7765, 2006.
383.Liu, C., Schultz, P.G. "Recombinant expression of selectively sulfated proteins in E. coli." Nat. Biotechnol., 24(11):1436-40, 2006.
382.Chen, S., Do, J., Zhang, Q., Yao, S., Yan, F., Peters, E., Scholer, H., Schultz, P.G., Ding, S. "Self-renewal of Embryonic Stem Cells by a Small Molecule." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 103(46):17266-17271, 2006.
381.Mukherji, M., Cho, C., Supekova, L., Wang, Y., Batalov, S., Bell, R., Martin, C., Sahasrabuhde, S., Orth, A.P., Chanda, S.K., Schultz, P.G. "Genome-wide Functional Analysis of Human Cell-cycle Regulators.." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 103(40):14819-14824, 2006.
380.Schultz, K.C., Supekova, L., Ryu, Y., Xie, J., Perera, R., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Infrared Probe." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128(43):13984-5, 2006.
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377.Collins, C., Hong, J., Sapinoso, L., Zhou, Y., Liu, Z., Micklash, K., Schultz, P.G., Hampton, G.M. "A small interfering RNA screen for modulators of tumor cell motility identifies MAP4K4 as a promigratory kinase." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 103(10):3775-80, 2006.
376.Wang, J., Xie, J., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Amino Acid." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128(27):8738-9, 2006.
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374.Cho, C.Y., Koo, S-H., Wang, Y., Callaway, S., Hedrick, S., Mak, P.A., Orth, A.P., Peters, E.C., Saez, E., Montminy, M., Schultz, P.G., Chanda, S.K., "Identification of the Tyrosine Phosphatase PTP-MEG2 as an Antagonist of Hepatic Insulin Signaling." Cell Metab., 3(5):367-78, 2006.
373.Summerer, D., Chen, S., Wu, N., Deiters, A., Chin, J., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Amino Acid." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 103(26):9785–9789, 2006.
372.Tsao, M.L., Summerer, D., Ryu, Y., Schultz, P.G. "The genetic incorporation of a distance probe into proteins in Escherichia coli." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128(14):4572-3, 2006.
371.Berezhna, S.Y., Supekova, L., Supek, F., Schultz, P.G., Deniz, A.A. "siRNA in human cells selectively localizes to target RNA sites." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 103(20):7682–7687, 2006.
370.Turner, J.M., Graziano, J., Spraggon, G., Schultz, P.G. "Structural plasticity of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase active site." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 103(17):6483-8, 2006.
369.Deiters, A., Groff, D., Ryu, Y., Xie, J., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Photocaged Tyrosine." Angew. Chemie, 45(17):2728-2731, 2006.
368.Ryu, Y., Schultz, P.G. "Efficient incorporation of unnatural amino acids into proteins in Escherichia coli." Nature Methods, 3(4):263-5, 2006.
367.Melnick, J.S., Janes, J., Kim, S., Chang, J.Y., Sipes, D.G., Gunderson, A., Jarnes, L., Matzen, J.T., Garcia, M.E., Hood, T.L., Beigi, R., Xia, G., Harig, R.A., Asatryan, H., Yan, S.F., Zhou, Y., Gu, X-J., Saadat, A., Zhou, V., King, F.J., Shaw, C.M., Su, A.I., Downs, R., Gray, N.S., Schultz, P.G., Warmuth, M., Caldwell, J.S. "An Efficient Rapid System for Profiling the Cellular Activities of Molecular Libraries." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 103(9):3153–3158, 2006.
366.Luesch, H., Chanda, S.K., Raya, R. M., Orth, A.P., Walker, J.R., Izpisúa Belmonte, J.C., Schultz, P.G., "A Functional Genomics Approach to the Mode of Action of the Antiproliferative Natural Product Apratoxin A," Nat. Chem. Bio., 2(3):158-167, 2006.
365.Sagan, S.M., Rouleau, Y., Leggiadro, C., Supekova, L., Schultz, P.G., Su, A.I., Pezacki, J.P. "The influence of cholesterol and lipid metabolism on host cell structure and hepatitis C virus replication." Biochem. Cell Biol., 84:67-79, 2006.
364.Lowery, T.J., Garcia, S., Chavez, L., Ruiz, E.J., Wu, T., Brotin, T., Dutasta, J.P., King, D.S., Schultz, P.G., Pines, A., Wemmer, D.E. "Optimization of xenon biosensors for detection of protein interactions." Chembiochem, 7(1):65-73, 2006.
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362.Warashina, M., Min, K.H., Kuwabara, T., Huynh, A., Gage, F.H., Schultz, P.G., Ding, S. "A Synthetic Small Molecule That Induces Neuronal Differentiation of Adult Hippocampal Neural Progenitor Cells." Angew. Chem., 45(4):591-593, 2005.
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358.Willingham, A.T., Orth, A.P., Batalov, S., Peters, E.C., Wen, B.G., Aza-Blanc, P., Hogenesch, J.B., Schultz, P.G. "A Strategy for Determining the Function of Noncoding RNAs Identifies a Repressor of NFAT." Science, 309(5740): 1570-3, 2005.
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352.Liu, J., Bang, A., Kintner, C., Orth, T., Chanda, S., Ding, S., Schultz, P.G. "Identification of the Wnt signaling activator leucine-rich repeat in Flightless interaction protein 2 by a genomewide functional analysis." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 102(6):1927-32, 2005.
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350.Deiters, A., Geierstanger, B.H., Schultz, P.G. "Site-Specific In Vivo Labeling of Proteins for NMR Studies." ChemBioChem, 6(1):55-8, 2005.
349.Yin, J., Schultz, P.G. "Immunological evolution of antibody catalysis." In, Catalytic Antibodies (Keinan, E. ed), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 1-29 (2004)..
348.Venkateshrao, S., Yin, J., Jarzecki, A., Schultz, P.G., Spiro, T.G. "Porphyrin Distortion During Affinity-Maturation of a Ferrochelatase Antibody, Monitored by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 126(50):16361-7, 2004.
347.Deiters, A., Cropp, T.A., Summerer, D., Mukherji, M., Schultz, P.G. "Site-Specific PEGylation of Proteins Containing Unnatural Amino Acids." Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 14(23):5743-5, 2004.
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344.Wu, N., Deiters, A., Cropp, T.A., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Photocaged Amino Acid." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126(44):14306-7, 2004.
343.Schlieker, C., Weibezahn, J., Patzelt, H., Tessarz, P., Strub, C., Zeth, K., Erbse, A., Schneider-Mergener, J., Chin, J.W., Schultz, P.G., Bukau, B., Mogk, A. "Substrate Recognition by the AAA+ Chaperone ClpB." Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 11(7):607-15, 2004.
342.Cropp, T.A., Schultz, P.G. "An Expanding Genetic Code." Trends in Genetics, 20(12):625-630, 2004.
341.Xie, J., Wang, L., Wu, N., Brock, A., Spraggon, G., Schultz, P.G. "The Site-specific Incorporation of p-Iodo-L-phenylalanine into Proteins for Structure Determination." Nat. Biotech, 22(10):1297-301, 2004.
340.Wu, X., Walker, J., Zhang, J., Ding, S., Schultz, P.G. "Purmorphamine Induces Osteogenesis by Activation of the Hedgehog Signaling Pathway." Chem. & Bio., 11(9):1229-38, 2004.
339.Wu, T., Wagner, K.W., Bursulaya, B., Schultz, P.G., Deveraux, Q.L. "Development and Characterization of Non-Peptidic Small Molecule Inhibitors of the XIAP/Caspase-3 Interactions." Chem & Biol., 10(8):759-67, 2004.
338.Anderson, J.C., Wu, N., Santoro, S.W., Lakshman, V., King, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "An Expanded Genetic Code with a Functional Quadruplet Codon." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 101(20):7566-7571, 2004.
337.Zheng, L., Liu, J., Batalov, S., Zhou, D., Orth, A., Ding, S., Schultz, P.G. "An Approach to Genomewide Screens of Expressed Small Interfering RNAs in Mammalian Cells." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 101(1):135-140, 2004.
336.Zhang, Z., Alfonta, L., Tian, F., Bursulaya, B., Uryu, S., King, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "Selective incorporation of 5-hyroxytryptophan into proteins in mammalian cells." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.(USA), 101(24):8882-8887, 2004.
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334.Torres, F.E., Kuhn, P., De Bruyker, D., Bell, A.G., Wolkin, M.V., Peeters, E., Williamson, J.R., Anderson, G.B., Schmitz, G.P., Recht, M.I., Schweizer, S., Scott, L.G., Ho, J.H., Elrod, S.A., Schultz, P.G., Lerner, R.A., Bruce, R.H. "Enthalpy Arrays." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101(26):9517-9622, 2004.
333.Wignall, S.M., Gray, N.S., Chang, Y.T. Juarez, L., Jacob, R., Burlingame, A., Schultz, P.G., Heald, R. "Identification of a novel protein regulating microtubule stability through a chemical approach." Chem. & Biol., 11(1):135-46, 2004.
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331.Huang, Q, Raya, A., Dejesus, P., Chao, S.H., Quon, K.C., Caldwell, J.S., Chanda, S.K., Izpisua-Belmonte, J.C., Schultz, P.G. "Identification of p53 Regulators by Genome-wide Functional Analysis." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 101(10):3456-3461, 2004.
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327.Zimmermann, N., Meggers, E., Schultz, P.G. "A Second-Generation Copper (II)-Mediated Metallo-DNA-Base Pair." Bioorg. Chem., 32(1):13-25, 2004.
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323.Wu, T.Y.H., Hassig, C., Wu, Y., Ding, S., Schultz, P.G. "Design, Synthesis, and Activity of HDAC Inhibitors with an N-formyl Hydroxylamine Head Group." Bio. Med. Chem. Letters, 14(2):449-453, 2003.
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320.Baldwin, E.P., Martin, S.S., Abel, J., Gelato, K.A., Kim, H., Schultz, P.G., Santoro, S.W. "A Specificity Switch in Selected Cre Recombinase Variants is Mediated by Macromolecular Plasticity and Water." Chem & Biol., 10(11):1085-1094, 2003.
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317.Deiters, A., Cropp, T.A., Mukherji, M., Chin, J.W., Anderson, C., Schultz, P.G. "Adding Amino Acids with Novel Reactivity to the Genetic Code of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 125(39):11782–11783, 2003.
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309.Ding, S., Wu, T.Y.H., Brinker, A., Peters, E.C., Hur, W., Gray, N.S., Schultz, P.G. "Synthetic Small Molecules that Control Stem Cell Fate." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 100(13):7632-7637, 2003.
308.Magliery, T.J., Pastrnak, M., Anderson, J.C., Santoro, S.W., Herberich, B., Meggers, E., Wang, L., Schultz, P.G. "In vitro Tools and in vivo Engineering: Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteins" in Translation Mechanisms; Lapointe, Jacques; Brakier-Gingras, Léa, Eds,; Landes Bioscience/Eurekah.com: Georgetown, TX and Kluwer Academic/Plenum: New York, NY, pp. 95-114, 2003.
307.Zhang, Z., Smith, B., Wang, L., Brock, A., Cho, C., Schultz, P.G. "A New Strategy for the Site-Specific Modification of Proteins in vivo." Biochem., 42(22):6735-6746, 2003.
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302.Santoro, S.W., Schultz, P.G. "Directed Evolution of the Substrate Specificities of a Site-Specific Recombinase and an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Using Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting." in Methods in Molecular Biology, Directed Enzyme Evolution: Screening and Selections Methods, (eds., F. H. Arnold and G. Georgiou ) Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, vol. 230, pp. 291-312, 2003.
301.Wieland, S.F., Vega, R.G., Muller, R., Evans, C., Hilbush, B., Guidotti, L.G., Sutcliffe, J.G., Schultz, P.G., Chisari, F.V. "Searching for Interferon-Induced Genes that Inhibit Hepatitis B Virus Replication in Transgenic Mouse Hepatocytes." J. Virol., 77(2):1227-1236, 2003.
300.Wang, L., Xie, J., Deniz, A.A., Schultz, P.G. "Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis of Green Fluorescent Protein." J. Org. Chem., 68(1):174-176, 2003.
499.Johnson, K., Zhu, S., Tremblay, M., Payette, J.N., Wang, J., Bouchez, L.C., Meeusen, S., Althage, A., Cho, C., Wu, X., Schultz, P.G. "A stem cell-based approach to cartilage repair." Science, 336(6082):717-2, 2012.
498.Kazane, S.A., Sok, D., Uson, M.L., Cho, E.H., Kuhn, P., Schultz, P.G., Smider, V.V. "Site-specific DNA-antibody conjugates for specific and sensitive immuno-PCR." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 109(10):3731-6, 2012.
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469.Hirota, T., Lee, J.W., Lewis, W.G., Zhang, E.E., Breton, G., Liu, X., Garcia, M., Peters, E.C., Etchegaray, J-P., Traver, D., Schultz, P.G., Kay, S.A. "High-Throughput Chemical Screen Identifies a Novel Potent Modulator of Cellular Circadian Rhythms and Reveals CKIα as a Clock Regulatory Kinase." PLoS Biol., 8(12):e1000559, 2010.
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433.Groff, D., Thielges, M.C., Cellitti, S., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Efforts toward the direct experimental characterization of enzyme microenvironments: tyrosine100 in dihydrofolate reductase." Angew. Chem., 48(19):3478-81, 2009.
432.Young, T.S., Ahmad, I., Brock, A., Schultz, P.G. "Expanding the Genetic Repertoire of the Methylotrophic Yeast, Pichia pastoris." Biochemistry, 48(12):2643-2653, 2009.
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421.Brustad, E., Bushey, M.L., Brock, A., Chittuluru, J., Schultz, P.G. "A Promiscuous Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase that Incorporates Cysteine, Methionine, and Alanine Homologues into Proteins." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Let., 18(22):6004-6, 2008.
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419.Grünewald, J., Tsao, M.-L., Perera, R., Dong, L., Niessen, F., Kubitz, D.M., Smider, V.V., Ruf, W., Nasoff, M., Lerner, R.A., Schultz, P.G. "Immunochemical Termination of Self-Tolerance." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 105(32):11276-80, 2008.
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416.Cellitti, S.E., Jones, D.H., Lagpacan, L., Hao, X., Zhang, Q., Hu, H., Brittain, S.M., Brinker, A., Caldwell, J., Brock, A., Ryu, Y., Uno, T., Schultz, P.G., Geierstanger, B.H. "In vivo incorporation of unnatural amino acids to probe structure, dynamics and ligand binding in a large protein by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130(29):9268-81, 2008.
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414.Lee, J., Hong, J., Nam, T.-G., Peters, E.C., Orth, A.P., Geierstanger, B.H., Goldfinger, L.E., Ginsberg, M.H., Cho, C.Y., Schultz, P.G. "A Small Molecule Inhibitor of α4 Integrin-Dependent Cell Migration." Bioorg. Med. Chem., 17(3):977-980, 2007.
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412.Graziano, J.J., Liu, W., Perera, R., Geierstanger, B.H., Lesley, S.A., Schultz, P.G. "Selecting folded proteins from a library of secondary structural elements." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130(1):176-85, 2008.
411.Guo, J., Wang, J., Anderson, J.C., Schultz, P.G. "Addition of an Alpha Hydroxy Acid to the Genetic Code of Bacteria." Angew. Chem., 47(4):722-725, 2007.
410.Tippmann, E.M., Liu, W., Summerer, D., Geierstanger, B., Mack, A.V., Schultz P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Diazirine Photocrosslinker in Escherichia coli." ChemBioChem, 8(18):2210-2214, 2007.
409.Seyedsayamdost, M.R., Xie, J., Chan, C.T., Schultz, P.G., Stubbe, J. "Site-specific Insertion of 3-Aminotyrosine into Subunit α2 of E. coli Ribonucleotide Reductase: Direct Evidence for Involvement of Y730 and Y731 in Radical Propagation." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129(48):15060-15071, 2007.
408.Lemke, E.A., Summerer, D., Geierstanger, B.H., Brittain, S.M., Schultz, P.G. "Control of protein phosphorylation with a genetically encoded photocaged amino acid." Nat. Chem. Biol., 3(12):769-772, 2007.
407.Supekova, L., Supek, F., Lee, J., Chen, S., Gray, N., Pezacki, J., Schlapbach, A., Schultz, P.G., "Identification of human kinases involved in HCV replication by siRNA library screening." J. Biol. Chem., 283(1):29-36, 2008.
406.Xie, J., Liu, W., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetically Encoded Bidentate, Metal-binding Amino Acid." Angew. Chem., 46(48):9239-9242, 2007.
405.Lee, J., Wu, X., Pasca di Magliano, M., Peters, E.C., Wang, Y., Hong, J., Hebrok, M., Ding, S., Cho, C.Y., Schultz, P.G. "A Small Molecule Antagonist of the Hedgehog Signaling Pathway." ChemBioChem., 8(16):1916-1919, 2007.
404.Lyssiotis, C.A., Walker, J.R., Wu, C., Kondo, T., Schultz, P.G., Wu, X. "Inhibition of Histone Deacetylase Activity Induces Developmental Plasticity in Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 104(38):14982-7, 2007.
403.Liu, C.C., Brustad, E., Liu, W., Schultz, P.G. "Crystal Structure of a Biosynthetic Sulfo-hirudin Complexed to Thrombin." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 129(35):10648-9, 2007.
402.Matsuda, S., Fillo, J.D., Henry, A.A., Rai, P., Wilkens, S.J., Dwyer, T.J., Geierstanger, B.H., Wemmer, D.E., Schultz, P.G., Spraggon, G., Romesberg, F.E. "Efforts toward Expansion of the Genetic Alphabet: Structure and Replication of Unnatural Base Pairs." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 129(34):10466-10473, 2007.
401.Wang, J., Schiller, S., Schultz, P.G. "A Biosynthetic Route to Dehydroalanine Containing Proteins." Angew. Chem., 46(36):6849-6851, 2007.
400.Trisler, K., Looger, L.L., Sharma, V., Baker, M., Benson, D.E., Trauger, S., Schultz, P.G., Smider, V.V. "A Metalloantibody That Irreversibly Binds a Protein Antigen." J. Biol. Chem., 282(36):26344-53, 2007.
99.Campbell, D.A., Gong, B., Kochersperger, L.M., Yonkovich, S., Gallop, M.A., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody-Catalyzed Prodrug Activation." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116:2165-2166, 1994.
98.Chung, H., Schultz, P.G. "Probing Ras Function with Unnatural Amino Acids." Chemistry & Biology, 1:vi-vii, 1994.
97.Uno, T., Gong, B., Schultz, P.G. "Stereoselective Antibody-Catalyzed Oxime Formation." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116:1145-1146, 1994.
96.Pei, D., Schultz, P.G. "Artificial Nucleases." Nucleases, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 317-340, 1993.
95.Angeles, T.S., Smith, R.G., Darsley, M.J., Sugasawara, R., Sanchez, R.I., Kenten, J., Schultz, P.G., Martin, M.T. "Isoabzymes: Structurally and Mechanistically Similar Catalytic Antibodies from the Same Immunization." Biochemistry, 32:12128-12135, 1993.
94.Chung, H.H., Benson, D.R., Cornish, V.W., Schultz, P.G. "Probing the Role of Loop 2 in Ras Function with Unnatural Amino Acids." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 90:10145-10149, 1993.
93.Judice, J.K., Gamble, T.R., Murphy, E.C., de Vos, A.M., Schultz, P.G. "Probing the Mechanism of Staphylococcal Nuclease with Unnatural Amino Acids: Kinetic and Structural Studies." Science, 261:1578-1581, 1993.
92.Cho, C.Y., Moran, E.J., Cherry, S.R., Stephans, J.C., Fodor, S.P.A., Adams, C.L., Sundaram, A., Jacobs, J.W., Schultz, P.G. "An Unnatural Biopolymer." Science, 261:1303-1305, 1993.
91.Schultz, P.G., Lerner, R.A. "Antibody Catalysis of Difficult Chemical Transformations." Acc. Chem. Res." 26(8):391-395, 1993, .
90.Chung, H.H., Benson, D.R., Schultz, P.G. "Probing the Role of Lysine 16 in Ras p21 Protein with Unnatural Amino Acids." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 115(14):6414-6415, 1993.
89.Mendel, D., Ellman, J., Schultz, P.G. "Protein Biosynthesis with Conformationally Restricted Amino Acids." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 115(10):4359-4360, 1993.
88.Sarvetnick, N., Gurushanthaiah, D., Han, N., Prudent, J., Schultz, P., Lerner, R. "Increasing the Chemical Potential of the Germ-line Antibody Repertoire." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 90:4008-4011, 1993.
87.Hsieh, L.C., Yonkovich, S., Kochersperger, L., Schultz, P.G. "Controlling Chemical Reactivity with Antibodies." Science, 260:337-339, 1993.
86.Lesley, S.A., Patten, P.A., Schultz, P.G. "A Genetic Approach to the Generation of Antibodies with Enhanced Catalytic Activities." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 90:1160-1165, 1993.
85.Skerker, P.S., Jacobs, J.W., Clark, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "Probing a Catalytic Antibody Active Site Using Spin-Labelled Haptens." BioMed. Chem. Lett., 2:285-288, 1993.
84.Chung, H.H., Benson, D.R., Schultz, P.G. "Probing the Structure and Mechanism of Ras Protein with an Expanded Genetic Code." Science, 259:806-809, 1993.
83.Scanlan, T., Schultz, P.G. "Recent Advances in Catalytic Antibodies" Advances in Detailed Reaction Mechanisms" 2:1-22, 1992.
82.Jackson, D.Y., Schultz, P.G. "Progress Toward the Generation of Antibodies Containing Catalytic Dyads." New Aspects of Organic Chemistry II, 21:469-475, 1992.
81.Ellman, J.A., Volkman, B.F., Mendel, D., Schultz, P.G., Wemmer, D.E. "Site-Specific Isotopic Labelling of Proteins for NMR Studies." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114:7959-7961, 1992.
80.Schultz, P.G., Shokat, K.M. "Catalytic Antibodies: An Overview of Design Strategies and Their Applications." Welch Symposium Proceedings, pp. 19-42, 1991.
79.Rozsnyai, L., Benson, D.R., Fodor, S.P., Schultz, P.G. "Photolithographic Immobilization of Biopolymers on Solid Supports." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 31:759-761, 1992.
78.Uno, T., Schultz, P.G. "An Antibody-Catalyzed Dehydration Reaction." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114:6573-6574, 1992.
77.Oldenburg, K., Loganathan, D., Goldstein, I., Schultz, P.G., Gallop, M.A. "Peptide Ligands For a Sugar Binding Protein Isolated from a Random Peptide Library." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 89:5393-5397, 1992.
76.Mendel, D., Ellman, J.A., Chang, Z., Veenstra, D.L., Kollman, P.A., Schultz, P.G. "Probing Protein Stability With Unnatural Amino Acids." Science, 256:1798-1802, 1992.
75.Jacobsen, J., Schultz, P.G. "An Efficient Antibody-Catalyzed Aminoacylation Reaction." Science, 256:365-367, 1992.
74.Jackson, D.Y., Liang, M.N., Bartlett, P.A., Schultz, P.G. "Activation Parameters and Stereochemistry of an Antibody-Catalyzed Claisen Rearrangement." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 31:182-183, 1992.
73.Gong, B., Lesley, S., Schultz, P.G. "A Chromogenic Assay for Screening Large Antibody Libraries." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114:1486-1487, 1992.
72.Ellman, J., Mendel, D., Schultz, P.G. "Site-Specific Incorporation of Novel Backbone Structures into Proteins." 255:197-20, 1992.
71.Nakayama, G., Schultz, P.G. "Stereospecific Antibody-Catalyzed Reduction of an α-Keto Amide." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114:780-781, 1992.
70.Shokat, K.M., Schultz, P.G. "Catalytic Antibodies." Methods in Enzymology, 203:327-351, 1991.
69.Ellman, J., Mendel D., Anthony-Cahill, S., Noren, C.J., Schultz, P.G. "Biosynthetic Method for Introducing Unnatural Amino Acids Site Specifically Into Proteins." Methods in Enzymology, 202:301-336, 1991.
68.Pei, D., Schultz, P.G. "Engineering Protein Specificity: Gene Manipulation with Semisynthetic Nucleases." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 113:9391-9392, 1991.
67.Scanlan, T.S., Prudent, J.R., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Phosphate Monoesters." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 113:9397-9398, 1991.
66.Jackson, D.Y., King D., Chmielewski, J., Singh, S., Schultz, P.G. "General Approach to the Synthesis of Short α-Helical Peptides." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 113:9398-9400, 1991.
65.Martin, M.T., Napper, A.D., Schultz, P.G., Rees, A.R. "Mechanistic Studies of a Tyrosine-Dependent Catalytic Antibody." Biochemistry, 30:9757-9761, 1991.
64.Pei, D., Ulrich, H., Schultz, P.G. "A Combinatorial Approach Toward DNA Recognition." Science, 25:1408-1411, 1991.
63.Cochran, A.G., Pham, T., Sugasawara, R., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody-Catalyzed Bimolecular Imine Formation." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 113:6670-6672, 1991.
62.Corey, D.R., Zuckermann, R., Schultz, P.G. "Hybrid Enzymes and the Sequence-Specific Cleavage of Nucleic Acids." in Frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry vol. 2, H. Dugas: Berlin, pp. 3-31, 1991.
61.Martin, M.T., Schantz, A.R., Schultz, P.G., Rees, A.R. "Characterization of the Mechanism of Action of a Catalytic Antibody." Ciba Foundation Symposium, 159:188-201, 1991.
60.Shokat, K.M., Schultz, P.G. "The Generation of Antibody Combining Sites Containing Catalytic Residues." Ciba Foundation Symposium, 159:118-134, 1991.
59.Nakayama, G., Schultz, P.G. "Approaches to the Design of Semisynthetic Metal Dependent Catalytic Antibodies." Ciba Foundation Symposium, 159:72-91, 1991.
58.Scanlan, T., Schultz, P.G. "Recent Advances in Catalytic Antibodies." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 332:157-164, 1991.
57.Lerner, R.A., Benkovic, S.J., Schultz, P.G. "At the Crossroads of Chemistry and Immunology: Catalytic Antibodies" Science, 252:659-667, 1991.
56.Chmielewski, J., Schultz, P.G. "Monoclonal Antibodies with Sequence Specific Affinity for a Stem-Loop Structure in DNA." Tetrahedron Symposium in Print, 14(15):2563-2572, 1991.
55.Mendel, D., Ellman, J., Schultz, P.G. "Construction of a Light-Activated Protein by Site Directed Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 113:2758-2760, 1991.
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49.Pei, D., Corey, D.R., Schultz, P.G. "Site-Selective Cleavage of Duplex DNA by a Semisynthetic Nuclease via Triple-Helix Formation." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 87: 9858-9862, 1990.
48.Shokat, K.M., Ko, M.K., Scanlan, T.S., Kochersperger, L., Yonkovich, S., Thaisrivongs, S., Schultz, P.G. "Catalytic Antibodies: A New Class of Transition State Analogues Used to Elicit Hydrolytic Antibodies." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 29:1296-1303, 1990.
47.Cochran, A., Schultz, P.G. "Peroxidase Activity of an Antibody-Heme Complex." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 112:9414-9415, 1990.
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24.Durfor, C.N., Bolin, R.J., Sugasawara, R.J., Massey, R.J., Jacobs, J.W., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody Catalysis in Reverse Micelles." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 110:8713-8714, 1988.
23.Pollack, S.J., Nakayama, G.R., Schultz, P.G. "Introducion of Nucleophiles and Spectroscopic Probes into Antibody Combining Sites." Science, 242:1038-1040, 1988.
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19.Jackson, D.Y., Jacobs, J.W., Sugasawara, R., Reich, S.H., Bartlett, P.A., Schultz, P.G. "An Antibody-Catalyzed Claisen Rearrangement." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 110: 4841-4842, 1988.
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599.Du, J.; Cao, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Fu, G.; Zhang, Y.; Lu, L.; Luo, X.; Kim, C.H.; Schultz, P.G.; Wang, F. "Engineering Bifunctional Antibodies with Constant Region Fusion Architectures" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 10.1021/jacs.7b09641, 2017.
598.Choi, S.H.; Mahankali, M.; Lee, S.J.; Hull, M.; Petrassi, M.H.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Schultz, P.G.; Jones, K.A.; Shen, W. "Targeted disruption of Myc-Max oncoprotein complex by a small molecule" ACS Chemical Biology, 12(11):2715-2719, 2017.
597.Bollong, M.J., Pietila, M.; Pearson, A.D.; Sarkar, T.R.; Ahmad, I.; Soundararajan, R.; Lyssiotis, C.A.; Mani, S.A.; Schultz, P.G.; Lairson, L.L. "A vimentin binding small molecule leads to mitotic disruption in mesenchymal cancers." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 114(46):E9903-E9912, 2017.
596.Laborda, E.; Mazagova, M.; Shao, S.; Wang, X.; Quirino, H.; Woods, A.K.; Hampton, E.N.; Rodgers, D.T.; Kim, C.H.; Schultz P.G., Young, T.S. "Development of A Chimeric Antigen Receptor Targeting C-Type Lectin-Like Molecule-1 for Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia" Int. J. Mol. Sci., 10.3390/ijms18112259, 2017.
595.Xuan, W.; Yao, A.; Schultz, P.G. "Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Probe for Detecting Sirtuins in Living Cells" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139(36):12350-12353, 2017.
594.Zambaldo, C.; Luo, X.; Mehta, A.P.; Schultz, P.G., "Recombinant Macrocyclic Lanthipeptides Incorporating Non-Canonical Amino Acids" , J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139(34):11646-11649, 2017.
593.Luo, X.;, Fu, G.; Wang, R.E.; Zhu, X.; Zambaldo, C.; Liu, R.; Liu, T.; Lyu, X.; Du, J.; Xuan, W.; Yao, A.; Reed. S.A.; Kang. M.; Zhang, Y.; Guo, H.; Huang, C.; Yang, P.; Wilsoh, I.A.; Schultz, P.G.; Wang, F., "Genetically Encoding Phosphotyrosine and its Nonhydrolyzable Analog in Bacteria" Nature Chemical Biology, 13(8):845-849, 2017.
592.Yu, S., Chen, E., Sherwood, L., Hull, M., Woods, A.K., Tremblay, M.S., "Ex Vivo Cell-Based Screening Platform for Modulators of Hepatosteatosis" ACS Chemical Biology, 12(7):1937-1946, 2017.
591.Lee, S.J., Bitar, A., Zou, H., Chao, E., Nguyen, H., Gonzalez, J., Caballero, D., Wang, D., Schultz, P.G., Shen, W., "A Novel Role for RARa Agonists as Apolipoprotein Clll Inhibitors." Scientific Reports, 7(1):5824, 2017.
590.Liu, T.; Jia, P.; Reed, S.A.; Luo, X.; Larman, B.H.; Schultz, P.G. "Construction and Screening of a Lentiviral Secretome Library" Cell Chemical Biology, 24(6):767-77, 2017.
589.Koh, M., Nasertorabi, F., Stevens, R.C., Schultz, P.G. "Generation of an orthogonal protein protein interface with a non-canonical amino acid" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139(16):5728-5731, 2017.
588.Xuan, W.; Shao, S.; Schultz, P.G. "Protein Crosslinking by Genetically Encoded Noncanonical Amino Acids with Reactive Aryl Carbamate Side Chains" Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. Engl., 56(18):5096-5100, 2017.
587.Bollong, M.J., Yang, B., Vergani, N., Beyer, B.A., Chin, E.N., Zambaldo, C., Wang, D., Chatterjee, A.K., Lairson, L.L., Schultz, P.G. "Small molecule-mediated inhibition of myofibroblast transdifferentiation for the treatment of fibrosis" Proc. Natl. Acam. Sci., 114(18):4679-4684, 2017..
585.Bouvard, C.; Lim, S.M.; Ludka, J.; Yazdani, N.; Woods, A.K.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Schultz, P.G.; Zhu, S. "Small molecule selectively suppresses MYC transcription in cancer cells" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 114(13):3497-3502, 2017.
586.Bouvard, C.; Lim, S.M.; Ludka, J.; Yazdani, N.; Woods, A.K.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Schultz, P.G.; Zhu, S. “Small molecule selectively suppresses MYC transcription in cancer cells” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 114(13):3497-3502, 2017.
585.Love, M.S.; Beasley, F.C.; Jumani, R.S.; Wright,T.M.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Huston, C.D.; Schultz, P.G.; McNamara, C.W. “A high-throughput phenotypic screen identifies clofazimine as a potential treatment for cryptosporidiosis” PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., 11(2):e0005373, 2017.
584.Liu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, T.; Jia, H.; Zou, H.; Fu, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Lu, L.; Chao, E.; Parker, H.; Nguyen-Tran, V.; Shen, W.; Wang, D.; Schultz, P.G.; Wang, F. "Rational Design of Dual Agonist-Antibody Fusions as Long-acting Therapeutic Hormones." ACS Chem. Biol., 11(11):2991-2995, 2016.
583.Mehta, A.P.; Li, H.; Reed, S.A.; Supekova, L.; Javahishvili, T.; Schultz, P.G. "Replacement of 2-deoxycytidine by 2-deoxycytidine Analogs in the E. coli Genome." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138(43):14230-14233, 2016.
582.Yu, S., Pearson, A.D., Lim, R.K., Rodgers, D.T., Li, S., Parker, H.B., Weglarz, M., Hampton, E.N., Bollong, M.J., Shen, J., Zambaldo, C., Wang, D., Woods, A.K., Wright, T.M., Schultz, P.G., Kazane, S.A., Young, T.S., Tremblay, M.S., "Targeted Delivery of an Anti-inflammatory PDE4 Inhibitor to Immune Cells via an Antibody-drug Conjugate." Mol. Ther., 10.1038/mt.2016.175, 2016.
581.Wang, R.E.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Gabrelow, C.; Zhang, Y.; Chi, V.; Fu, Q.; Luo, X.; Wang, D.; Joseph, S.; Johnson, K.; Chatterjee, A.; Wright, T.M.; Nguyen-Tran, V.; Tejaro, J.; Theofilopoulos, A.N.; Schultz, P.G.; Wang, F. "Rational Design of a Kv1.3 Channel Blocking Antibody as a Selective Immunosuppressant" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 113(41):11501-11506, 2016.
580.Wang, Y.; Du, J.; Zou, H.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Gonzalez, J.; Chao, E.; Lu, L.; Parker, H.; Nguyen-Tran, V.; Shen, W.; Wang, D.; Schultz, P.G., Wang, F. "Multi-functional Antibody Agonists Targeting Glucagon-like Peptide-1, Glucagon, and Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Receptors." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl, 55(40):12475-8, 2016.
579.Abdeen, S.; Salim, N.; Mammadova, N.; Summers, C.M.; Goldsmith-Pestana, K.; McMahon-Pratt, D.; Schultz, P.G.; Horwich, A.L.; Chapman, E.; Johnson, S.M "Targeting the HSP60/10 Chaperonin Systems of Trypanosoma Brucei as a Strategy for Treating African Sleeping Sickness." Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, pii: S0960-894X(16)30992-1, 2016.
578.Luo, X.; Wang, T.A.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, F.; Schultz, P.G. "Stabilizing Protein Motifs with a Genetically Encoded Metal-Ion Chelator" Cell Chemical Biology, 23(9):1098-102, 2016.
577.Zhang, Z.; English, B.; Grimm, J.B.; Kazane, S.; Hu, W.; Tsai, A.; Inouye, C.; Schultz, P.G.; Lavis, L.D.; Revyakin, A.; Tjian, R., "Rapid Dynamics of General Transcription Factor TFIIB Binding During Preinitiation Complex Assembly Revealed by Single-Molecule Analysis." Genes and Development, 30(18):2106-2118, 2016.
576.Xuan, W.; Li, J.; Luo, X.; Schultz, P.G. "Genetic Incorporation of a Reactive Isothiocyanate Group into Proteins." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 55(34):10065-8, 2016.
575.Abdeen, S.; Salim, N.; Mammadova, N.; Summers, C.M.; Frankson, R.; Ambrose, A.J.; Anderson, G.G.; Schultz, P.G.; Horwich, A.L.; Chapman, E.; Johnson, S.M., "GroEL/ES Inhibitors as Potential Antibiotics." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 26(13):3127-3,2016.
574.Cao,Y.; Rodgers, D.T.; Du, J.; Ahmad, I.; Hampton, E.N.; Ma, J.S.; Mazagova, M.; Choi, S.; Yun, H.Y.; Xiao, H.; Yang, P.; Luo, X.; Lim, R.K.V.; Pugh, H.M.; Wang, F.; Kazane, S.A.; Wright, T.M.; Kim, C.H.; Schultz, P.G.; Young, T.S., "Design of Switchable Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells Targeting Breast Cancer." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 55(26):7520-4, 2016.
573.Xiao, H., Schultz, P.G., "At the Interface of Chemical and Biological Synthesis: An Expanded Genetic Code" Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol., pii: a023945, 2016.
572.Mehta, A.P.; Li, H.; Reed, S.A.; Supekova, L.; Javahishvili, T.; Schultz, P.G. "Replacement of Thymidine by a Modified Base in the Escherichia coli Genome" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138(23):7272-5, 2016.
571.Lee, T., Kang, M., Kim, C.H., Schultz, P.G, Chapman, E., Deniz, A. "Dual Unnatural Amino Acid Incorporation and Click-Chemistry Labeling to Enable Single-Molecule FRET Studies of p97 Folding" ChemBioChem, 17(11):981-4, 2016.
570.Liu, T.; Wang, Y.; Luo, X.; Li, J.; Reed, S.A.; Xiao, H.; Young, T.S.; Schultz, P.G. "Enhancing Protein Stability with Extended Disulfide Bonds." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 113(21):5910-5, 2016.
569.Yang. P.; Zou, H.; Chao. E.; Sherwood, L.; Nunez, V.; Keeney, M.; Ghartey-Tagoe, E.; Ding, Z.; Quirino, H.; Luo, X.; Welzel, G.; Chen, G.; Singh. P.; Woods. A.K.; Schultz, P.G.; Shen, W., "Engineering a Long-Acting, Potent GLP-1 Analogue for Microstructure-Based Transdermal Delivery." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 113(15):4140-5., 2016.
568.Luo, X.; Zambaldo, C.; Liu, T.; Zhang, Y.; Xuan, W.; Wang, C.; Reed, S.A.; Yang, P.; Wang, R.E.; Javahishvilli, T.; Schultz, P.G.; Young, T.S. "Recombinant Thiopeptides with Noncanonical Amino Acids" , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 113(13):3615-20,2016.
567.Ma. J., Young, K.J.; Kazane, S.; Choi, S.H.; Yoon, H.Y., Kim, M., Rodger, D.; Pugh, H.; Singer, O.; Sun, Sophie, S.; Fonslow, B.; Kochenderfer, J.; Wright, T.; Schultz, P.G.; Young, T.; Kim, C.H.; Cao, Y. "A Versatile Strategy for Controlling the Specificity and Activity of Engineered T Cells." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., E450-8, 2016.
566.Rodgers, D.; Mazagova, M.; Hampton, E.; Cao, Y.; Ramadoss, N.; Hardy, I.; Schulman, A.; Du, J.; Wang, F.; Singer, O.; Ma, J.; Nunez, V.; Shen, J.; Woods, A.; Wright, T.; Schultz, P.G.; Kim, C. H.; Young, T., "Switch-Mediated Activation and Retargeting of CAR T cells for B cell Malignancies." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., E459-68, 2016.
565.Muppid, A., Zou, H., Chao, E., Yang P., Sherwood, L., Nunez, V., Woods, A., Schultz, P.G., Lin, Q., Shen, W., "Design of Potent, Proteolytically Stable Oxyntomodulin Analogs." Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. Engl., 11(2):324-8, 2016.
564.Lim, R.K.V, Yu, S., Chen, B., Li, S., Nam-Jung, K., Cao, Y., Chi, V., Kim, J.Y., Chattergee, A.K., Tremblay, M.S., Schultz, P.G., Kazane, S.A., "Targeted Delivery of LXR Agonist Using a Site-Specific Antibody-Drug Conjugate." ACS Paragon Plus, 26(11):2216-22, 2015.
563.Luo, X. Liu, T. Wang, Y.Jia, H, Zhang, Y, Caballero, D. Du, J. Wang, R, Wang, D. Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., "An Epitope-Specific Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Based on an Antibody Scaffold." Angew Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 10.1002/anie.201507928, 2015.
562.Bollong, M., Hwayoung, Y., Sherwood, L., Woods, A., Lairson, L., Schultz, P.G., "A Small Molecule Inhibits Deregulated NRF2 Transcriptional Activity in Cancer." ACS Chem. Biol. 10(10), 2193-8, 2015.
561.Xiao, H., Xuan, W., Shao, S., Liu, T., Schultz, P.G., "Genetic Incorporation of e-N-2-Hydroxyisobutyryl-lysine into Re-combinant Histones." ACS Chem. Bio., 1599-603, 2015.
560.Xiao, H., Nasertorabi, F., Seihyun, C., Won Han, G., Reed, S.A., Stevens, R.C., Schultz, P.G., "Exploring the Potential Impact of an Expanded Genetic Code on Protein Function" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 112(22):6961-6, 2015.
559.Cao, Y., Axup, J.Y., Ma, J.S.Y., Wang, R.E., Choi, S., Tardif, V., Lim, R., Pugh, H., Lawson, B.R., Welzel, G., Kazane, S.A., Sun, Y., Tian, F., Srinagesh, S., Javahishvili, T., Schultz, P.S., Kim, C.H., "Multi-format T-cell Engaging Bispecific Antibodies Targeting Human Breast Cancers." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 54(24):7022-7, 2015.
558.Harbut, M., Vilcheze, C., Luo, X., Hensler, M.E., Guo, H., Yang, B., Chatterjee, A.K., Nizet, V., Jacobs, W.R., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., "Auranofin Exerts Broad-Spectrum Bactericidal Activities by Targeting Thiol-Redox Homeostasis." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 112(14):4453-4458, 2015.
557.Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., "Rational Design of Humanized Dual-Agonist Antibodies." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(1):38-41, 2015.
556.Wang, R., Liu, T., Wang, Y., Cao, Y., Du, J., Luo, X., Deshmukh, V., Kim, C.H., Lawson, B.R., Tremblay, M.S., Young, T.S., Kazane, S.A., Wang, F., Schultz, P.G., "An Immunosuppressive Antibody-Drug Conjugate" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(9):3229-32,2015.
555.Liu, T., Fu, G., Luo, X., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, R., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., "Rational Design of Antibody Protease Inhibitors."J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(12):4042-5, 2015.
554.Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Zou, H., Wang, Y., Caballero, D., Gonzalez, J., Chao, E., Welzel, G., Shen, W., Wang, D., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F. "A Versatile Approach to the Generation of Human Antibody-CDR Fusion Proteins with Agonist Activities." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(1):38-41, 2015.
553.Kim, M.S., Ma, J.S.Y., Yun, H., Cao, Y., Kim, J.Y., Chi, V., Wang, D., Woods, A., Sherwood, L., Caballero, C., Gonzalez, J., Schultz, P.G., Young, T.S., Kim, C.H., "Redirection of Genetically Engineered CAR-T cells using Bifunctional Small Molecules." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(8):2832-5, 2015.
552.Zhang, Y., Zou, H., Wang, Y., Caballero, D., Gonzalez, J., Chao, E., Welzel, G., Shen, W., Wang, D., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., " Rational Design of a Humanized Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Antibody." Angew Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 54(7):2126-30, 2015.
551.Liu, T., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Jia, H., Kang, M., Luo, X., Caballero, D., Gonzalez, J., Wang, D., Woods, A., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., " Functional Human Antibody CDR Fusions as Long-Acting Therapeutic Endocrine Agonists." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 3; 112(5):1356-61, 2015.
550.Pearson, A.D., Mills, J.H., Song, Y., Nasertorabi, F., Han, G.W., Baker, D., Stevens, R.C., Schultz, P.G., " Trapping a Transition State in a Computationally Designed Protein Bottle." Science, 347(6224):863-7, 2015.
549.Decker, R.S., Koyama, E., Enomoto-Iwamoto, M., Maye, P., Rowe, D., Zhu, S., Schultz, P.G., Pacifici, M., " Mouse Limb Skeletal Growth and Synovial Joint Development are Greatly Enhanced by Kartogenin." Dev. Biol., 15; 395 (2):255-67, 2014.
548.Kularatne, S., Deshmukh, V., Ma, J., Tardif, V., Lim, R., Pugh, H., Sun, Y., Manibusan, A., Sellers, A., Barnett, R., Srinagesh, S., Forsyth, J.S., Hassenpflug, W., Tian, F., Javashishvili, T., Felding-Habermann, B., Lawson, B.R., Kazane, S., Schultz, P.G., " A CXCR4-Targeted Site-Specific Antibody-Drug Conjugate." Angew. Chem., 53(44):11863-7, 2014.
547.Lu, H., Zhou, Q., Deshmukh, V., Phull, H., Ma, J., Tardif, V., Bouvard, C., Lawson, B.R., Zhu, S., Zhang, Y., Choi, S., Kim, C.H., Schultz, P.G., "Targeting Human C-Type Lectin-Like Molecule-1 (CLL1) by a Bispecific Antibody for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Immunotherapy." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 53(37):9841-5, 2014.
546.Liu, T, Liu Y, Wang Y, Hull M, Schultz P, Wang F., "Rational Design of CXCR4 Specific Antibodies with Elongated CDRs." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136(30):10557-60, 2014.
545.Sun, S.B., Schultz, P.G., Kim, C.H, "Therapeutic Applications of an Expanded Genetic Code." ChemBioChem, 15(12);1721-9, 2014..
544.Larman H.B, Scott E.R., Wogan M, Torkamani A., Schultz P.G., "Sensitive, multiplex and direct quantification of RNA sequences using a modified RASL assay." Nucleic Acids Res, 42(14):9146-57, 2014.
543.Furman, J.L., Kang, M., Choi, S., Cao, Y., Wold, E.D., Sun, S.B., Smider, V.V., Kim, C., Schultz, P.G., "A genetically encoded aza-Michael acceptor for covalent crosslinking of protein-receptor complexes." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136(23):8411-8417, 2014.
542.Chatterjee, A., Lajoie, M.J., Xiao, H., Church, G.M., Schultz, P.G., "A Bacterial Strain with a Unique Quadruplet Codon Specifying Nonnative Amino Acids." ChemBioChem, ASAP, 2014.
541.Xiao, H., Peters, F.B., Yang, P.Y., Reed, S., Chittuluru, J.R., Schultz, P.G., "Genetic Incorporation of Histidine Derivatives Using an Engineered Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase." ACS Chem. Biol., 9(5);1092-1096, 2014.
540.Kang, M., Light, K., Ai, H., Shen, W., Kim, C., Chen, P.R., Lee, H., Solomon, E.I., Schultz, P.G., "Evolution of Iron (II)-Finger Peptides Using a Biphridyl Amino Acid." ChemBioChem, 15(6);822-825, 2014.
539.Javahishvili, T., Manibusan, A., Srinagesh, S., Lee, D., Ensari, S., Shimazu, M., Schultz, P.G., "The Role of tRNA Orthogonality in an Expanded Genetic Code." ACS Chem Biol, 9(4);874-879, 2014.
538.Tian, Feng, Lu, Y., Manibusan, A., Sellers, A., Tran, H., Sun, Y., Phuong, T., Barnett, R., Hehli, B., Song, F., DeGuzman, M., Ensar, S., Pinkstaff, J., Sullivan, L., Biroc, S., Cho, P., Schultz, P.G., DiJoseoph, J., Dougher, M., Ma, D., Dushin, R.G., Leal, M., Tchistiakova, L., Feyfant, E., Gerber, H.P., Sapra, P., "A general approach to site-specific antibody drug conjugates." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 111(5):1766-71, 2014.
537.Rust, Heather, Subramanian, V., West, G. M., Young D.D., Schultz, P.G., Thompson, P.R., "Using unnatural amino acid mutagensis to probe the regulation of PRMT1." ACS Chem. Biol.,9(3);649-655, 2014.
536.Zhang, Y., Goswami, D., Wang, D., Wang, T., Sen, S., Magliery, T.J., Griffin, P.R., Wang, F, Schultz, P.G., "An antibody with a variable region coiled-coil knob domain." Angew Chem Int Ed Engl., 53(1):132-5, 2014.
535.Xiao, H., Chatterjee, A., Choi, S., Bajjuri, K.M., Sinha, S.C., Schultz, P.G., "Genetic incorporation of multiple unnatural amino acids into proteins into mammalian cells." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 52(52):14080-3, 2013.
534.Liu, J., Pan, S., Hsieh, M., Ng, N., Sun, F., Kasibhatla, S., Schuller, A.G., Li, A., Cheng, D., Li, J., Tompkins, C., Pferdekamper, A., Steffy, A., Chen, J., Kowal, C., Phung, V., Guo, G., Wang, Y., Graham, M., Brenner, J.D., Li, C., Wang, T., Villarroel, M.C., Schultz, P.G., Wu, X., McNamara, P., Sellers, W.R., Petruzzelli, L., Boral, A., Seidal, H.M., Mclaughlin, M.E., Che, J., Carey, T.E., Vanasse, G., Harris, J.L., "Targeting Wnt-driven cancer through the inhibition of Porcupine by LGK974." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 110(50):20224-9, 2013.
533.Kularatne, S.A., Deshmukh, V., Gymnopoulous, M., Biroc, S., Srinagesh, S., Sun, Y., Zou, N., Sumatz, M., Pintoki, J., Ensari, S., Malibusan, A., Axup, J., Kim, C., Smider, V.V., Javahishvili, T., Schultz, P.G., "Recruiting Cytotoxic T Cells to Folate-Receptor-Positive Cancer Cells." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 152(46):12101-4, 2013.
532.Kessel, C., Nandakumar, K.S., Peters, F.B., Schultz, P.G., Holmdahl, R., "A single functional group substitution in C5a breaks B and T cell tolerance and protects from experimental arthritis" Arthritis Rheum, 66(3):610-621, 2013.
531.Niu, W., Schultz, P.G., Guo, J., "An expanded genetic code in mammalian cells with a functional quadruplet codon." ACS Chem. Biol., 8(7):1407-1411, 2013.
530.Swoboda, J.G., Elliott, J., Deshmukh, V., de Lichtervelde, L., Shen, W., Tremblay, M.S., Cho, C.Y., Lu, B., Girman, S., Wang, S., Schultz, P.G., "Small molecule mediated proliferation of primary retinal pigmented epithelial cells." ACS Chem. Biol., 8(7):1407-1411, 2013.
529.Kim, C., Axup, J.Y., Lawson, B., Yun, H., Tardif, V., Choi, S., Zhou, Q., Dubrovska, A., Biroc, S.L., Marsden, R., Pinkstaff, J., Smider, V.V., Schultz, P.G., "A bispecific small molecule antibody conjugate targeting prostate cancer." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110(44):17796-801, 2013..
528.Lajoie, M.J., Rovner. A.J., Goodman, D.B., Aerni, H., Mercer, J.A., Wang, H.H., Carr, P.A., Schultz, P.G., Jacobson, J.M., Rinehart, J., Church, G.M., Isaacs, F.J., "Genomically recoded organisms expand biological functions," Science, 342(6156):357-60, 2013.
527.Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Welzel, G., Wang, Y., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., "An antibody CDR3-erythropoietin fusion protein." ACS Chem Bio, 8(10):2117-21, 2013.
526.Deshmukh, V.A., Tardif, V., Lyssiotis, C.A., Green, C.C., Kerman, B., Kim., H.J., Padmanabhan, K., Swoboda, J., Ahmad, I., Kondo, T., Gage, F.H., Theofilopoulos, A.N., Lawson, B.R., Schultz, P.G., Lairson, L.L. "A regenerative approach to the treatment of multiple sclerosis." Nature, 502(7471):327-32, 2013.
525.Lu, H., Wang. D., Kazane, S.A., Javahishvili, T., Tian, F., Song, F., Sellers, A., Barnett, B., Schultz, P.G., "Site-specific antibody-polymer conjugates for siRNA delivery." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135(37):13885-91, 2013.
524.Chatterjee, A., Guo., J., Lee, H., Schultz, P., "A genetically encoded fluorescent probe in mammallian cells." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135(34):12540-3, 2013.
523.Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Lichtervelde, L., Sun, S.B., Smider, V.V., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., "Functional antibody CDR3 fusion proteins with enhanced pharmacological properties." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 5;52(32):8295-8, 2013.
522.Chatterjee, A., Xiao, H., Bollong, M., Ai, H., Schultz, P.G., "An efficient viral delivery system for unnatural amino acid mutagensis in mammalian cells." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 110(29):11803-8, 2013.
521.Sun, S., Sen, S., Kim, N., Magliery, T., Schultz, P.G., Wang, F., "A mutational analysis of 48G7 reveals that somatic hypermutation affects both antibody stability and binding affinity." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135(27):9980-9983, 2013.
520.Wang, F., Sambandan, D., Halder, R., Wang, J., Batt, S., Weinrick, B.C., Ahmad, I., Yang, P., Zhang, Y., Kim, J., Hassani, M., Huszar, S., Trefzer, C., Chatterjee, A., Johnsson, K., Mikusove, K., Besra, G., Futterer, K., Jacobs, W.R., Schultz, P.G., "Identification of a small molecule with activity against drug-resistent and persistant tuberculosis." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 110(27):E2510-7, 2013.
519.Wang, F., Ekiert, D.C., Ahmad, I., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Torkamani, A., Raudsepp, T., Criscitiello, M.F., Wilson, I.A., Schultz, P.G., Smider, V.V., "Reshaping antibody diversity." Cell, 153(6):1379-9, 2013.
518.Kim, C., Axup, J., Schultz, P.G., "Protein conjugation with genetically encoded unnatural amino acids," Curr Opin Chem Biol, 17(3):412-9, 2013.
517.de Lichtervelde, L., Boitano, A.E., Wang, Y., Krastel, P., Petersen, F., Cooke, M.P., Schultz, P.G., "Eupalinilide E inhibits erythropoiesis and promotes the expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells," ACS Chem. Bio., 8(5);866-870, 2013.
516.Chatterjee, A., Xiao, H., Yang, P., Soundararajan, G., Schultz, P.G., "A tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pair for unnatural amino acid mutagenesis in E. coli," Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 52(19):5106-9, 2013.
515.Day, J.W., Kim, C., Smider, V.V., Schultz, P.G. "Identification of metal ion binding peptides containing unnatural amino acids by phage display." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett, 23(9):2598-600, 2013.
514.Wang, F., Sen, S., Zhang, Y., Ahmad, I., Zhu, X., Wilson, I.A., Smider, V.V., Magliery, T.J., Schultz, P.G. "Somatic hypermutation maintains antibody thermodynamic stability during affinity maturation." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 110(11):4261-6,2013.
513.Chatterjee, A., Sun, S.B., Furman, J.L., Xiao, H., Schultz, P.G., "A versatile platform for single and multiple unnatural amino acid mutagenesis in Escherichia coli," Biochemistry, 52(10):1828-1837, 2013.
512.Shen, W., Tremblay, M.S., Deshmukh, V.A., Wawng, W., Filipi, C.M., Harb, G., Zhang, Y., Kamireddy, A., Baaten, J.E., Jin, Q., Wu, T., Swoboda, J.G., Cho, C.Y., Laffitte, B.A., McNamara, P., Glynne, R., Wu, X., Herman, A.E., Schultz, P.G., "A small molecule inducer of β cell proilferation indentified by high-throughput screening." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135(5):1669-72, 2013.
511.Lairson, L. L., Lyssiotis, C.A., Zhu, S., Schultz, P.G., "Small molecule-based approaches to adult stem cell therapies." Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol, 53:107-25, 2013.
510.Kazane, S.A., Axup, A.Y., Kim, C., Ciobanu, M., Wold, E.D., Barluenga, S., Hutchins, B.A., Schultz, P.G., Winssinger, N., Smider, V.V. "Self-assembled antibody multimers through peptide nucleic acid conjugation." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135(1):340-6,2013.
509.Axup, J.A., Bajjuri, K.M., Ritland, M., Hutchins, B.M., Kim, C., Kazane, S.A., Halder, R., Forsyth, J.S., Santidrian, A.F., Stafin, K., Liu, Y., Tran, H., Seller, A.J., Biroc, S.L., Szydlik, A., Pinkstaff, J.K., Tian, F., Sinha, S.C., Felding-Habermann, B., Smider, V.V., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis of site-specific antibody-drug conjugates using unnatural amino acids." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 109(40):16101-16106, 2012.
508.Guo, J., Wang, F., Schultz, P.G. "Unnatural amino acid mutagensis of fluorescent proteins." Angewante Chemie, 51(40):10132-10135, 2012.
507.Wang, D., Wang, J., Meeusen, S., Bonamy, G., Brusch, R.G., Turk, C., Yang, P., Schultz, P.G. "A small molecule promotes mitochondrial fusion in mammalian cells." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 51(40):10132-10135, 2012.
506.Hirota, T., Lee, J.W., St. John., P.C., Sawa, M., Iwaisako, K., Noguchi, T., Pongsawakul, P.Y., Sonntag, T., Welsh, D.K., Brenner, D.A., Doyle, J., Schultz, P.G., Kay, S.A. "Identification of small molecule activators of cryptochrome." Science, 337(6098):1094-1097, 2012.
505.Boitano, A.E., de Lichtervelde, L., Snead, J.L., Cooke, M.P., Schultz, P.G. "A platelet derived growth factor receptor antagonist." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, 109(35):14019-14022, 2012.
504.Chatterjee, A., Xiao, H., Schultz, P.G. "Evolution of multiple, mutally orthogonal prolyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs for unnatural amino acid mutagenesis in Escherichia coli." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 109(37):14841-14846, 2012.
503.de Lichtervelde, L., Antal, C.E., Boitano, A.E., Wang, Y., Krastel, P., Petersen, F., Newton, A.C., Cooke, M.P., Schultz, P.G. "Euphohelisocopin A is a PKC activator capable of inducing macrophage differentiation." Chemistry and Biology, 19(8):944-1000, 2012.
502.Kim, C., Kang, M., Kim, H., Chatterjee, A., Schultz, P.G. "Site-specific incorporation of ε-N-crotonyllysine into histones." Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. Engl., 51(29):7246-9, 2012.
501.Dubrovska, A., Hartung, A., Bouchez, L.C., Walker, J.R., Cho, C.Y., Schultz, P.G. "CXCR4 activation maintains a stem cell population in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells through AhR signaling." Br. J. Cancer, 107(1):43-52, 2012.
500.Kim, C., Axup, J.Y., Dubrovska, A., Kazane, S.A., Hutchins, B.A., Wold, E., Smider, V.V., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis of bispecific antibodies with genetically encoded unnatural amino acids." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134(24):9918-21, 2012.
299.Mehl, R., Anderson, J.C., Santoro, S., Wang, L., Martin, A., King, D.S., Horn, D.M., Schultz, P.G. "Generation of a Bacterium with a 21 Amino Acid Genetic Code." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125:935-939, 2003.
298.Lin, Q., Barbas, C.F., Schultz, P.G. "Small-Molecule Switches for Zinc Finger Transcription." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 125(3):612-613, 2003.
297.Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Brock, A., Schultz, P.G. "Addition of the Keto Functional Group to the Genetic Code of Escherichia coli." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 100(1):56-61, 2003.
296.Chapman, E., Ding, S., Schultz, P.G., Wong, C. "A Potent and Highly Selective Sulfontransferase Inhibitor." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 124(49):14524-14525, 2002.
295.Schultz, P.G., Yin, J., Lerner, R.A. "The Chemistry of the Antibody Molecule." Angew. Chem., 41(23):4427-4437, 2002.
294.Lesley, S., Kuhn, P., Godzik, A., Schultz, P.G., Wilson, I.A., Stevens, R. "Structural genomics of the Thermotoga maritime proteome implemented in a high-throughput structure determination pipeline." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 99(18):11664-11669, 2002.
293.Zimmermann, N., Meggers, E., Schultz, P.G. "A Novel Silver (I)-Mediated DNA Base Pair." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 124(46),13684-13685, 2002.
292.Wu, T.Y.H., Schultz, P.G. "A Versatile Linkage Strategy for Solid-Phase Synthesis of N,N-Dimethyltryptamines and Beta-Carbolines." Organic Letters, 4(23):4033-4036, 2002.
291.Wu, X., Ding, S., Ding, Q., Gray, N.S., Schultz, P.G. "A Small Molecule with Osteogenesis-Inducing Activity in Multipotent Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 124(49):14520-14521, 2002.
290.Chin, J.W., Schultz, P.G. "In vivo Photocrosslinking with Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis." ChemBioChem, 11:1135-1137, 2002.
289.Su, A.I., Pezacki, J.P., Wodicka, L., Brideau, A.D., Supekova, L., Thimme, R., Wieland, S., Bukh, J., Purcell, R.H., Schultz, P.G., Chisari, F.V. "Genomic Analysis of the Host Response to Hepatitis C Virus Infection." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 99(24):15669-15674, 2002.
288.Knockaert, M., Lenormand, P., Gray, N., Schultz, P.G., Pouyssegur, J., Meijer, L. "p42/p44 MAPs are intracellular targets of the CDK inhibitor purvalanol." Oncogene, 21:6413-6424, 2002.
287.Yu, C., Henry, A.A., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Polymerase Recognition of Unnatural Base Pairs." Angew. Chem., 41(20):3841-3844, 2002.
286.Chin, J., Santoro, S.W., A.B., King, D.S., Wang, L., Schultz, P.G. "Addition of p-azido-L-phenylalanine to the Genetic Code of Escherichia coli." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124(31):9026-9027, 2002.
285.Santoro, S.W., Wang, L., Herberich, B., King, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "An Efficient System for the Evolution of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Specificity." Nat. Biotech., 20:1044-1048, 2002.
284.Winssinger, N., Ficarro, S., Schultz, P.G., Harris, J.L. "Profiling protein function with small molecule microarrays." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 99(17)11139-11144, 2002.
283.Su, A., Guidotti, L.G., Pezacki, J.P., Chisari, F.V., Schultz, P.G. "Gene Expression During the Priming Phase of Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy in Mice." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 99(17):11181-11186, 2002.
282.Chang, Y.T., Choi, G., Bae, Y.S., Burdett, M., Moon H.S., Lee, J.W., Gray, N.S., Schultz, P.G., Meijer, L., Chung, S.K., Choi, K.Y., Suh, P.G., Ryu, S.H. "Purine-Based Inhibitors of Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-3-kinase." ChemBioChem" 9:897-901, 2002.
281.Zhang, Z., Wang, L., Brock, A., Schultz, P.G. "The Selective Incorporation of Alkenes into Proteins in Escherichia coli." Angew. Chem., 41(15):2840-2842, 2002.
280.Li, S., Liao, J., Cutler, G., Hoey, T., Hogenesch, J.B., Cooke, M.P., Schultz, P.G., Ling, X.B. "Comparative Analysis of Human Genome Assemblies Reveals Genome-Level Differences." Genomics, 80(2):138-139, 2002.
278.Chin, J.W., Martin, A.B., King, D.S., Wang, L., Schultz, P.G. "Addition of a Photocrosslinking Amino Acid to the Genetic Code of Escherichia coli." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 10:11020-11024, 2002.
277.Supekova, L., Pezacki, J.P., Su, A., Loweth, C., Reidl, R., Geierstanger, B., Massari, E., Murre, C., Schultz, P.G., Wemmer, D. "Genomic Effects of Polyamide/DNA Interactions on mRNA Expression." Chem. & Biol., 9:821-827, 2002.
276.Chang, Y.T., Choi, J., Ding, S., Prieschl, E.E., Baumruker, T., Lee, J.M., Chung, S.K., Schultz, P.G. "The Synthesis and Biological Characterization of a Ceramide Library." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124(9):1856-1857, 2002.
275.Perez, O.D., Chang, Y.T., Rosania, G, Sutherlin, D, Schultz, P.G. "Inhibition and Reversal of Myogenic Differentiation by Purine-Based Microtubule Assembly Inhibitors." Chem. Biol., 9:475-483, 2002.
274.Gildersleeve, J., Janes, J., Ulrich, H., Yang, P., Barbars, G., Schultz, P.G. "Development of a Genetic Selection for Catalytic Antibodies." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 12:1691-1694, 2002.
273.Santoro, S.W., Schultz, P.G. "Directed evolution of the site specificity of Cre recombinase." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 99(7):4185-4190, 2002.
272.Damoiseaux, R., Schultz, P.G., Johnsson, K. "Towards the Generation of Artificial O6-Alkylguanine-DNA Alkyltransferases: in vitro Selection of Antibodies with Reactive Cysteine Residues." Chem Bio Chem, 6:573-575, 2002.
271.Santarsiero, B.D., Yegian, D.T., Lee, C.C., Spraggon, G., Gu, J., Scheibe, D., Uber, D.C., Cornell, E.W., Nordmeyer, R.A., Kolbe, W.F., Jin, J., Jones, A.L., Jaklevic, J.M., Schultz, P.G., and Stevens, R.C. "An Approach to Rapid Protein Crystallization Using Nanodroplets." J. Applied Crystallography, 35:278-281, 2002.
270.Xia, G., Chen, L., Sera, T., Fa, M., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Directed evolution of novel polymerase activities: Mutation of a DNA polymerase into an efficient RNA polymerase." Pro. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 99(10):6597-6602, 2002.
269.Panda, S., Antoch, M.P., Miller, B.H., Su, A.I., Schook, A.B., Straume, M., Schultz, P.G., Kay, S.A., Takahashi, J.S., Hogenesch, J.B. "Coordinated Transcription of Key Pathways in the Mouse by the Circadian Clock." Cell, 109:307-320, 2002.
268.Su, A.I., Cooke, M., Ching, K., Hakak, Y., Walker, J., Wiltshire, T., Orth, A.P., Vega, R., Sapinoso, L., Moqrich, A., Patapoutian, A., Hampton, G., Schultz, P.G., Hogenesch J.B. "Large-scale Analysis of the Human and Mouse Tanscriptomes." Pro. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 99(7):4465-4470, 2002.
267.Ding, S., Gray, N.S. Ding, Q., Wu, X., Schultz, P.G. "Resin-Capture and Release Strategy toward Combinatorial Libraries of 2,6,9-Substituted Purines." J. Comb. Chem., 4(2):183-186, 2002.
266.Wang, L., Brock, A., Schultz, P.G. "Adding L-3-(2-Naphthyl)alanine to the Genetic Code of E. Coli." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124(9):1836-1837, 2002.
265.Ding, S., Gray, N.S., Wu, X., Ding, Q., Schultz, P.G. "A Combinatorial Scaffold approach towards Kinase-Directed Heterocycle Libraries." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124(8):1594-1596, 2002.
264.Watanabe, C., Supekova, L., and Schultz, P.G. "The Transcriptional Effects to the Potent Enediyne Anti-Cancer Agent Calicheamicin λ1I." Chemistry & Biology, 9:245-251, 2002.
263.Anderson, J.C., Magliery, T.J., Schultz, P.G. "Exploring the Limits of Codon and Anticodon Size." Chemistry & Biology, 9:237-244, 2002.
262.Wang, L., Schultz, P.G. "Expanding the Genetic Code." Chem. Comm., 1:1-11, 2002.
261.Block-Alper, L., Webster, P., Zhou, X., Supekova, L., Wong, W.H., Schultz, P.G., Meyer, D.I. "INO2, a Positive Regulator of Lipid Biosynthesis, Is Essential for the Formation of Inducible Membranes in Yeast." Mol. Biol. Cell, 13:40-51, 2002.
260.Liu, D., Schultz, P.G. "Generating New Molecular Function: A Lesson from Nature." Essays in Contemporary Chemistry: From Molecular Structure Towards Biology, (Quinkert, G., Kisakürek, M.V., eds.),Wiley-VCH, pp.341-380, 2001.
259.Chang, Y.T., Wignall, S.M., Rosania, G.R., Gray N.S., Hanson, S.R., Su, A.I., Merlie, J., Moon, H.S., Sangankar, S.B., Perez, O., Heald, R., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Myoseverin Derivatives: Microtubule Assembly Inhibitors." J. Med. Chem., 4(26):4497-4500, 2001.
258.Ding, S., Gray, N. S., Ding, Q., Schultz, P.G. "A Concise and Traceless Linker Strategy toward Combinatorial Libraries of 2,6,9-Substituted Purines." J. Org. Chem., 66:8273-8276, 2001.
257.Ting, A.Y., Witte, K., Shah, K., Kraybill, B., Shokat, K., Schultz, P.G. "Phage-Display Evolution of Tyrosine Kinases with Altered Nucleotide Specificity." Biopolymers, 60:220-228, 2001.
256.Mody, M., Cao, Y., Cui, Z., Tay, K.Y., Shyong, A., Shimizu, E., Pham, K., Schultz, P.G., Welsh, D., Tsien, J.Z. "Genome-Wide Gene Expression Profiles of the Developing Mouse Hippocampus." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., (USA), 98(15): 8862-8867, 2001.
255.Atwell, S., Meggers, E., Spraggon, G., Schultz, P.G. "Structure of a Copper-Mediated Base Pair in DNA." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123(49):12364-12367, 2001.
254.Lin, Q., Jiang, F., Schultz, P.G., Gray, N.S. "Design of Allele-Specific Protein Methyltransferase Inhibitors." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123(47):11608-11613, 2001.
253.Wu, T.Y.H., Ding, S., Gray, N.S., Schultz, P.G. "Solid-Phase Synthesis of 2,3,5-Trisubstituted Indoles." Organic Letters, 3(24):3827-3830, 2001.
252.Ding, S., Ding, Q., Gray, N.S., Schultz, P.G. "Expanding the Diversity of Purine Libraries." Tetrahedron Letters, 42:8751-8755, 2001.
251.Tae, E.L., Wu, Y., Xia, G., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Efforts toward Expansion of the Genetic Alphabet: Replication of DNA with Three Base Pairs." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123:7439-7440, 2001.
250.Grunwell, J.R., Glass, J.L., Lacoste, T.D., Ashok, A.D., Chemla, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "Monitoring the Conformational Fluctuations of DNA Hairpins Using Single-Pair Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123:4295-4303, 2001.
249.Su, A.I., Welsh, J.B., Sapinosa, L.M., Kern, S.G., Dimitrov., P., Lapp, H., Schultz, P.G., Powell, S.M., Moskaluk, C.A., Frierson, H.F. Jr., Hampton, G.M. "Molecular Classification of Human Carcinomas by Use of Gene Expression Signatures." Cancer Research, 61:7388-7393, 2001.
248.Pastrnak, M., Schultz, P.G. "Phage Selection for Site-Specific Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteins in vivo." Bioorganic and Med. Chem., 9:2373-2379, 2001.
247.Wang, L., Schultz, P.G. "A General Approach for the Generation of Orthogonal tRNAs." Chemistry and Biology, 8:883-890, 2001.
246.Spence, M.M., Rubin,S.M., Dimitrov, I.E., Ruiz, E.J., Wemmer, D.E., Pines, A., Yao, S.Q., Tian, F., Schultz, P.G. "Functionalized Xenon as a Biosensor." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., (USA), 98(19):10654-10657, 2001.
245.Yin, J., Mundorff, E.C., Yang, P.L., Wendt, K.U., Hanway, D., Stevens, R.C., Schultz, P.G. "A Comparative Analysis of the Immunological Evolution of Antibody 28B4." Biochemistry, 40(36):10764-10773, 2001.
244.Winssinger, N., Harris, J.L., Backes, B.J., Schultz, P.G. "From Split-Pool Libraries to Spatially Addressable Microarrays and its Application to Functional Proteomic Profiling." Angew. Chem., Int. Engl. Ed., 40(17):3152-3155, 2001.
243.Watanabe, C., Wolffram, S., Ader, P., Rimbach, G., Packer, L., Maguire, J., Schultz, P.G., Gohil, K. "The In vivo Neuromodulatory Effects of the Herbal Medicine Ginkgo Biloba." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., (USA), 98(12):6577-6580, 2001.
242.Hogenesch, J.B., Ching, K.A., Batalov, S., Su, A.I., Walker, J.R., Zhou, Y., Kay, S.A., Schultz, P.G. Cooke, M.P. "A Comparision of the Celera and Ensembl Predicted Gene Sets Reveals Little Overlap in Novel Genes." Cell, 106:1-3, 2001.
241.Verdugo, D.E., Cancilla, M.T., Ge, X., Gray, N.S., Chang, Y.T., Schultz, P.G., Negishi, Masahiko, Leary, J.A., Bertozzi, C.R. "Discovery of Estrogen Sulfotransferase Inhibitors from a Purine Library Screen." J. Med. Chem., 44:2683-2686, 2001.
240.Wang, L., Brock, A., Herberich, B., Schultz, P.G. "Expanding the Genetic Code of Escherichia coli." Science, 292:498-500, 2001.
239.Magliery, T.J., Anderson, J.C., Schultz, P.G. "Expanding the Genetic Code: Selection of Efficient Suppressors of Four-Base Codons and Identification of" Shifty.” Four-Base Codons with a Library Approach in Escherichia coli., J. Mol. Biol., 307:755-769.
238.Lu, T., Ting, A., Mainland, J., Jan, L.Y., Schultz, P.G., Yang, J. "Probing Ion Permeation and Gating in a K+ Channel with Backbone Mutations in the Selectivity Filter." Nature Neuroscience, 4(3):239-246, 2001.
237.Jiang, C.H., Tsien, J.Z., Schultz, P.G., Hu, Y. "The Effects of Aging on Gene Expression in the Hypothalamus and Cortex of Mice.” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., (USA)" 98(4):1930-1934, 2001.
236.Simbulan-Rosenthal, C.M., Ly, D.H., Rosenthal, D.S., Konopka, G., Luo, R., Wang, Z.-Q., Schultz, P.G., Smulson, M.E. "Misregulation of Gene Expression in Primary Fibroblasts Lacking poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 97(21):11274-11279, 2001.
235.Deniz, A.A., Laurence, T.A., Dahan, M., Chemla, D.S., Schultz, P.G., Weiss, S. "Ratiometric Single-Molecule Studies of Freely Diffusing Biomolecules.” Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry" 52:233-253, 2001.
234.Harmse, L., van Zyl, R., Gray, N., Schultz, P.G., Leclerc, S., Meijer, L., Doerig, C., Havlik, I. "Structure-activity relationships and inhibitory effects of various purine derivatives on the in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum." Biochem. Pharmacol., 62:341-348, 2001.
233.Simeonov, A., Matsushita, M., Juban, E.A., Thompson, E.H.Z., Hoffman, T.Z., Beuscher IV, A.E., Taylor, M.J., Wirsching, P., Rettig, W., McCusker, J.K., Stevens, R.C., Millar, D.P., Schultz, P.G., Lerner, R.A., Janda, K.D. "Blue-Fluorescent Antibodies.” Science" 290:307-313, 2000.
232.Rampon, C., Jiang, C.H., Dong, H., Tang, Y. Lockhart, D.J., Schultz, P.G., Tsien, J.Z., Hu, Y. "The Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Gene Expression in the Brain." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 97(23):12880-12884, 2000.
231.Pastrnak, M., Magliery, T.J., Schultz, P.G. "A New Orthogonal Suppressor tRNA/Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Pair for Evolving an Organism with an Expanded Genetic Code." Helvetica Chimica Acta, 83:2277-2286, 2000.
230.Meggers, E., Holland, P.L., Tolman, W.B., Romesberg, F.E., Schultz, P.G. "A Novel Copper-Mediated DNA Base Pair." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122:10714-10715, 2000.
229.Bishop, A.C., Ubersax, J.A., Petsch, D.T., Matheos, D.P., Gray, N.S., Blethrow, J., Shimizu, E., Tsien, J.Z., Schultz, P.G., Rose, M.D., Wood, J.L., Morgan, D.O., Shokat, K.M. "A Chemical Switch for Inhibitor-sensitive Alleles of any Protein Kinase." Nature, 407:395-401, 2000.
228.Ogawa, A.K., Wu, Y., Berger, M., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Rational Design of an Unnatural Base Pair with Increased Kinetic Selectivity." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122:8803-8804, 2000.
227.Berger, M., Wu, Y., Ogawa, A.K., McMinn, D.L., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Universal Bases for Hybridizaton, Replication and Chain Termination." Nucleic Acids Res., 28(15):2911-2914, 2000.
226.Wu, Y., Ogawa, A.K., Berger, M., McMinn, D.L., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Efforts Toward Expansion of the Genetic Alphabet: Optimization of Interbase Hydrophobic Interactions." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122(32):7621-7632, 2000.
225.Berger, M., Ogawa, A.K., McMinn, D.L., Wu, Y., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Stable and Selective Hybridization of Oligonucleotides with Unnatural Hydrophobic Bases." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 39(16):2940-2942, 2000.
224.Wang, L., Magliery, T.J., Liu, D.R., Schultz, P.G. "A New Functional Suppressor tRNA/Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Pair for the in vivo Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteins." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122:5010-5011, 2000.
223.Guo Z., Zhou, D., Schultz, P.G. "Designing Small Molecule Switches for Protein-Protein Interactions." Science, 288:2042-2045, 2000.
222.Ogawa, A.K., Wu, Y., McMinn, D. L., Liu, J., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Efforts Toward the Expansion of the Genetic Alphabet: Information Storage and Replication with Unnatural Hydrophobic Base Pairs." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122:3274-3287, 2000.
221.Knockaert, M., Gray, N., Damiens, E., Chang, Y.T., Grellier, P., Grant, K., Fergusson, D., Mottram, J., Soete, M., Dubremetz, J.F., Le Roch, K., Doerig, C., Schultz, P.G., Meijer, L. "Intracellular Targets of Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitors: Identification By Affinity Chromatography Using Immobilised Inhibitors." Chemistry & Biology, 7:411-422, 2000.
220.Deniz, A.A., Laurence, T.A., Beligere, G.S., Dahan, M., Martin, A.B., Chemla, D.S., Dawson, P.E., Schultz, P.G., Weiss, S. "Single-molecule Protein Folding: Diffusion Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Studies of the Denaturation of Chymotrysin Inhibitor 2." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 97(10):5179-5184, 2000.
219.Armstrong, J.I., Portley, A.R., Chang, Y.T., Nierengarten, D.M., Cook, B.N., Bowman, K.G., Bishop, A., Gray, N.S., Shokat, K.M., Schultz, P.G., Bertozzi, C.R. "Discovery of Carbohydrate Sulfotransferase Inhibitors from a Kinase-Directed Library." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 39(7):1303-1306, 2000.
218.Ly, D.H., Lockhart, D.J., Lerner, R.A., Schultz, P.G. "Mitotic Misregulation and Human Aging." Science, 287:2486-2492, 2000.
217.Rosania, G.R., Chang, Y.T., Perez, O., Sutherlin, D., Dong, H., Lockhart, D. J., Schultz, P.G. "Myoseverin: A Microtubule-Binding Molecule with Novel Cellular Effects." Nat. Biotech., 18:304-308, 2000.
216.Mundorff, E.C., Hanson, M.A., Varvak, A., Ulrich H., Schultz, P.G., Steven, R.C. "Conformational Effects in Biological Catalysis: An Antibody-Catalyzed Oxy-cope Rearrangement." Biochemistry, 39(4):627-632, 2000.
215.McMinn, D.L., Ogawa, A.K., Wu, Y., Liu, J., Schultz, P.G., Romesberg, F.E. "Efforts Toward Expansion of the Genetic Alphabet: DNA Polymerase Recognition of a Highly Stable, Self-Pairing Hydrophobic Base." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121(49):11585-11586, 1999.
214.Ha, T.J., Ting, A.Y., Liang, J., Deniz, A.A., Chemla, D.S., Schultz, P.G., Weiss, S. "Temporal Fluctuations of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Between Two Dyes Conjugated to a Single Protein." Chemical Physics, 247(1):107-118, 1999.
213.Yang, P.L., Schultz, P.G. "Mutational Analysis of the Affinity Maturation of Antibody 48G7." J. Mol. Bio., 294:1191-1201, 1999.
212.Martin, A., Schultz, P.G. "Opportunities at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology." TiBS, 24:M24-M28, 1999.
211.Ma, L., Sweet, E.H., Schultz, P.G. "Selective Antibody-Catalyzed Solvolysis of endo-2-Norbornyl Mesylate." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121:10227-10228, 1999.
210.Chang, Y.-T., Schultz, P.G. "Versatile Fluorescence Labeling Method Using Activated Esters on Solid Support." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 9:2479-2482, 1999.
209.Barrett, J.E., Lucero, C.M., Schultz, P.G. "A Model for Hydride Transfer in Thymidylate Synthase Based on Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121(34):7965-7966, 1999.
208.Dahan, M., Deniz, A.A., Ha, T., Chemla, D.S., Schultz, P.G., Weiss, S. "Ratiometric Measurement and Identification of Single Diffusing Molecules." Chemical Physics, 247:85-106, 1999.
207.Deniz, A.A., Dahan, M., Grunwell, J.R., Ha, T., Faulhaber, A.E., Chemla, D.S., Weiss, S., Schultz, P.G. "Single Pair Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer on Freely Diffusing Molecules: Observation of Förster Distance Dependence and Subpopulations." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96:3670-3675, 1999.
206.Yao, S., Anex, D.S., Caldwell, W.B., Arnold, D.W., Smith, K.B, Schultz, P.G. "SDS capillary gel electrophoresis of proteins in microfabricated channels." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96:5372-5377, 1999.
205.Romesberg, F.E., Schultz, P.G. "A Mutational Study of a Diels-Alderase Catalytic Antibody." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 9:1741-1744, 1999.
204.Kanamori, T., Nishikawa, S.I., Nakai, M., Shin, I., Schultz, P.G., Endo, T. "Uncoupling of transfer of the presequence and unfolding of the mature domain in precursor translocation across the mitochondrial outer membrane." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96:3634-3639, 1999.
203.Liu, D.R., Schultz, P.G. "Progress toward the evolution of an organism with an expanded genetic code." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96:4780-4785, 1999.
202.Chang, Y.T., Gray, N.S., Rosania, G.R., Sutherlin, D.P., Kwon, S., Norman, T.C., Sarohia, R., Leost, M., Meijer, L., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis and application of functionally diverse 2,6,9-trisubstituted purine libraries as CDK inhibitors." Chemistry & Biology, 6:361-375, 1999.
201.Liu, D.R., Schultz, P.G. "Generating New Molecular Function: A Lesson From Nature." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 38:36-54, 1999.
200.Ha, T., Ting, A.Y., Liang, J., Caldwell, W.B., Deniz, A.A., Chemla, D.S., Schultz, P.G., Weiss, S. "Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy of enzyme conformational dynamics and cleavage mechanism." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96:893-898, 1999.
199.Cho, C.Y., Liu, C.W., Wemmer, D.E., Schultz, P.G. "Cyclic and Linear Oligocarbamate Ligands for Human Thrombin." Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 7:1171-1179, 1999.
198.Liu, Y., Barrett, J.E., Schultz, P.G., Santi, D.V. "Tyrosine 146 of Thymidylate Synthase Assists Proton Abstraction from the 5-Position of 2'-Deoxyuridine 5'-Monophosphate." Biochemistry, 38:848-852, 1999.
197.Rosania, G.R., Merlie, J.Jr, Gray, N., Chang, Y.T., Schultz, P.G., Heald, R. "A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor inducing cancer cell differentiation: Biochemical identification using Xenopus egg extracts." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96:4797-4802, 1999.
196.Loweth, C.J., Caldwell, W.B., Peng, X., Alivisatos, A.P., Schultz, P.G. "DNA-Based Assembly of Gold Nanocrystals." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 38(12):1808-1812, 1999.
195.I. Takeuchi, H. Chang, C. Gao, P.G. Schultz, X.-D. Xiang, R.P. Sharma, M.J. Downes, T. Venkatesan "Combinatorial Synthesis and Evaluation of Epitaxial Ferroelectric Device Libraries." Applied Physics Letters, 73(31):894, 1998.
194.Isaacs, E.D., Marcus, M.A., Aeppli, G., Xiang, X.-D., Sun, X., Schultz, P.G., Kao, M., Cargill, G.S. III, Haushalter, R. "Synchrotron X-ray Microbeam Diagnostics of Combinatorial Synthesis." Applied Physics Letters, 73:1820-1822, 1998.
193.Romesberg, F.E., Santarsiero, B.D., Spiller, B., Yin J., Barnes, D., Schultz, P.G., Stevens, R.S. "Structural and Kinetic Evidence for Strain in Biological Catalysis." Biochemistry, 37(41):14404-14409, 1998.
192.Pollitt, S.K., Schultz, P.G. "A Photochemical Switch for Controlling Protein-Protein Interactions." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 37(15):2104-2107, 1998.
191.Pedersen, H., Hölder, S., Sutherlin, D.P., Schwitter, U., King, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "A Method for Directed Evolution and Functional Cloning of Enzymes." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 95:10523-10528, 1998.
190.Gray, N.S. Wodicka, L., Thunnissen, A.M. W.H., Norman, T.C., Kwon, S., Hernan Espinoza, F., Morgan, D.O., Barnes, G., LeClerc, S., Meijer, L., Kim, S.H., Lockhart, D. J., Schultz, P.G. "Exploiting Chemical Libraries, Structure, and Genomics in the Search for Kinase Inhibitors." Science, 281:533-538, 1998.
189.Thorson, J.S., Cornish, V.W., Barrett, J.E., Cload, S.T., Yano,T., Schultz, P.G. "A Biosynthetic Approach for the Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteins." Methods in Molecular Biology, 77:43-73, 1998.
188.Cho, C.Y., Youngquist, R.S., Paikoff, S.J., Beresini, M.H., Hebert, A.R., Berleau, L.T., Liu, C.W., Wemmer, D.E., Keough, T., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis and Screening of Linear and Cyclic Oligocarbamate Libraries. Discovery of High Affinity Ligands for GP11b/IIIa." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120(31):7706-7718, 1998.
187.Driggers, E.M., Liu, C.W., Wemmer, D.E., Schultz, P.G. "Structure of the Michaelis Complex of an Efficient Antibody Acyl Transferase Determined by Transferred Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement Spectroscopy." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120(29):7395-7396, 1998.
186.Ting, A.Y., Shin, I., Lucero, C., Schultz, P.G. "Energetic Analysis of an Engineered Cation-π Interaction in Staphylococcal Nuclease." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120(28):7135-7136, 1998.
185.Romesberg, F.E., Flanagan, M.E., Uno, T., Schultz, P.G. "Mechanistic Studies of an Antibody-Catalyzed Elimination Reaction." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120(21):5160-5167, 1998.
184.Ma, L., Hsieh-Wilson, L.C., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody Catalysis of Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans Isomerization in the Folding of RNase T1." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 95:7251-7256, 1998.
183.Chang, H., Gao, C., Takeuchi, I., Yoo, Y., Wang, J., Schultz, P.G., Xiang, X.D., Sharma, R.P., Downes, M., Venkatesan, T. "Combinatorial Synthesis and High Throughput Evaluation of Ferroelectric/Dielectric Thin-Film Libraries for Microwave Applications." Appl. Phys. Lett., 72(17):2185-2187, 1998.
182.Driggers, E.M., Cho, H.S., Liu, C.W., Katzka, C.P., Braisted, A.C., Ulrich, H.D., Wemmer, D.E., Schultz, P.G. "Mechanistic Studies of an Antibody-Catalyzed Pericyclic Rearrangement." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120(9):1945-1958, 1998.
181.Romesberg, F.E., Spiller, B., Schultz, P.G., Stevens, R.C. "Immunological Origins of Binding and Catalysis in a Diels-Alderase Antibody." Science, 279:1929-1933, 1998.
180.Schultz, P.G., Xiang, X.D. "Combinatorial Approaches to Materials Science." Curr. Opin. Solid State and Mat. Sci., 3:153-158, 1998.
179.Wang, J., Yoo, Y., Gao, C., Takeuchi, I., Sun, X., Chang, H., Xiang, X.-D., Schultz, P.G. "Identification of a Blue Photoluminescent Composite Material from a Combinatorial Library." Science, 279:1712-1714, 1998.
178.Blackwood, M.E., Jr., Rush, T.S. III, Romesberg, F., Schultz, P.G., Spiro, T.G. "Alternative Modes of Substrate Distortion in Enzyme and Antibody Catalyzed Ferrochelation Reactions." Biochemistry, 37(3):779-782, 1998.
177.Thorson, J.S., Shin, I., Chapman, E., Stenberg, G., Mannervik, B., Schultz, P.G. "Analysis of the Role of the Active Site Tyrosine in Human Glutathione Transferase A1-1 by Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120(2):451-452, 1998.
176.Barrett, J.E., Maltby, D.A., Santi, D.V., Schultz, P.G. "Trapping of the C5 Methylene Intermediate in Thymidylate Synthase." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120(2):449-450, 1998.
175.Yu, J., Choi, S.Y., Moon, K-D., Chung, H-H., Youn, H.J., Jeong, S., Park, H., Schultz, P.G. "A Glycosidase Antibody Elicited Against a Chair-like Transition State Analog Using in vitro Immunization." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 95:2880-2884, 1998.
174.Ulrich, H.D., Moore, F.L., Schultz, P.G. "Germline diversity within the mouse Igk-V9 gene family." Immunogenetics" 47:91-95, 1997.
173.Ulrich, H.D., Schultz, P.G. "Analysis of Hapten Binding and Catalytic Determinants in a Family of Catalytic Antibodies." J. Mol. Biol., 275:95-111, 1998.
172.Shin, I., Ting, A.Y., Schultz, P.G. "Analysis of Backbone Hydrogen Bonding in a β-turn of Staphylococcal Nuclease." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119(51):12667-12668, 1997.
171.Sun, X.-D., Wang, K-A., Yoo, Y., Wallace-Freedman, W.G., Gao, C., Xiang, X-D., Schultz, P.G. "Solution-Phase Synthesis of Luminescent Materials Libraries." Adv. Materials, 9(13):1046-1049, 1997.
170.Hall, D.G., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis of Diverse Ethoxyformacetal Oligomers. Toward Libraries of Metal-Coordinating Unnatural Biopolymers." Tetrahedron Lett., 38(45):7825-7828, 1997.
169.Yu, J., Choi, S.Y., Lee, S., Yoon, H.J., Jeong, S., Mun, H., Park, H., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody-Catalyzed Glycosyl Transfer Reactions From In Vitro Immunization." Chem. Commun., 20:1957-1958, 1997.
168.Liu, D.R., Magliery, T.J., Schultz, P.G. "Characterization of an ‘Orthogonal’ Suppressor tRNA Derived from E. coli tRNA2Gln." Chem. & Biology, 4:685-691, 1997.
167.Xiang, X.-D., Schultz, P.G. "The Combinatorial Synthesis and Evaluation of Functional Materials." Physica C, 282:428-430, 1997.
166.Koh, J.T., Cornish, V.W., Schultz, P.G. "An Experimental Approach to Evaluating the Role of Backbone Interactions in Proteins Using Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis." Biochemistry, 36(38):11314-11322, 1997.
165.Ulrich, H.D., Mundorff, E., Santarsiero, B.D., Driggers, E.M., Stevens, R.C., Schultz, P.G. "The Interplay Between Binding Energy and Catalysis in the Evolution of a Catalytic Antibody." Nature, 389:271-275, 1997.
164.Liu, D.R., Magliery, T.J., Pastrnak, M., Schultz, P.G. "Engineering a tRNA and Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase for the Site-Specific Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteins in Vivo." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.(USA)" 94:10092-10097, 1997.
163.Park, Y., Luo, J., Schultz, P.G., Kirsch, J.F. "Noncoded Amino Acid Replacement Probes of the Aspartate Aminotransferase Mechanism." Biochemistry, 36(34):10517-10525, 1997.
162.Lu, Y., Wei, T., Duewer, F., Lu, Y., Ming, N.B., Schultz, P.G., Xiang, X.D. "Nondestructive Imaging of Dielectric-Constant Profiles and Ferroelectric Domains with a Scanning-Tip Microwave Near-field Microscope." Science, 276:2004-2006, 1997.
161.Chapman, E., Thorson, J.S., Schultz, P.G. "Mutational Analysis of Backbone Hydrogen Bonds in Staphylococcal Nuclease." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119(30):7151-7152, 1997.
160.Sun, X.D., Gao, C., Wang, J., Xiang, X.-D., Schultz, P.G. "Identification and Optimization of Advanced Phosphors Using Combinatorial Libraries." Appl. Phys. Lett." 70:1-4, 1997.
159.Wedemayer, G.J., Patten, P.A., Wang, L.H., Schultz, P.G., Stevens, R.C. "Structural Insights into the Evolution of an Antibody Combining Site." Science, 276:1665-1669, 1997.
158.Wedemayer, G.J., Wang, L.H., Patten, P.A., Schultz, P.G., Stevens, R.C. "Crystal Structures of the Free and Liganded Form of an Esterolytic Catalytic Antibody." J. Mol. Biol., 268:390-400, 1997.
157.Gray, N.S., Kwon, S., Schultz, P.G. "Combinatorial Synthesis of 2,9-Substituted Purines." Tet. Lett., 38(7):1161-1164, 1997.
156.Johnsson, K., Froland, W.A., Schultz, P.G. "Overexpression, Purification and Characterization of the Catalase-Peroxidase KatG from Mycobacterium tuberculosis." J. Biol. Chem., 272(5):2834-2840, 1997.
155.Peng, X., Wilson, T.E., Alivisatos, A.P., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis and Isolation of a Homodimer of Cadmium Selenide Nanocrystals." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 36(112):145-147, 1997.
154.Kanamori, T., Nishikawa, S.-I., Shin, I., Schultz, P.G., Endo, T. "Probing the Environment Along the Protein Import Pathways in Yeast Mitochondria by Site-Specific Photocrosslinking." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 94:485-490, 1997.
153.Cload, S.T., Liu, D.R., Froland, W.A., Schultz, P.G. "Development of Improved tRNAs for In Vitro Biosynthesis of Proteins Containing Unnatural Amino Acids." Chem. & Biology, 3:1033-1038, 1996.
152.Stevens, R.C., Hsieh-Wilson, L.C., Santarsiero, B.D., Wedemayer, G.J., Spiller, B., Wang, L.H., Barnes, D., Ulrich, H.D., Patten, P.A., Romesberg, F.E., Schultz, P.G. "Structural Studies of Catalytic Antibodies." Israel J. of Chem., 36:121-132, 1996.
151.Yoon, S.S., Oei, Y., Sweet, E., Schultz, P.G. "An Antibody-Catalyzed [2,3]-Elimination Reaction." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(46):11686-11687, 1996.
150.Driggers, E.M., Schultz, P.G. "Catalytic Antibodies." Adv. Protein Chem, 49:261-287, 1996.
149.Bi, Y., Schultz, P.G. "Building Blocks for Peptide and Carbamate Libraries." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 6(19):2299-2300, 1996.
148.Paikoff, S.J., Wilson, T.E., Cho, C.Y., Schultz, P.G. "The Solid Phase Synthesis of N-Alkylcarbamate Oligomers." Tet. Lett., 37(32):5653-5656, 1996.
147.Kim, J.M., Wilson, T.E., Norman, T.C., Schultz, P.G. "Synthesis of a Cyclic Urea as a Nonnatural Biopolymer Scaffold." Tet. Lett., 37(30):5309-5312, 1996.
146.Kim, J.M., Bi, Y., Paikoff, S.J., Schultz, P.G. "The Solid Phase Synthesis of Oligoureas." Tet. Lett., 37(30):5305-5308, 1996.
145.Prudent, J.R., Schultz, P.G. "RNA Catalysis and Transition State Stabilization." Nucleic Acids and Mol. Biology; (Edt., F. Eckstein and D.M.J. Lilley: Berlin), 10:383-395, 1996.
144.Alivisatos, A.P., Johnsson, K.P., Peng, X., Wilson, T.E., Loweth, C.J., Bruchez, Jr. M.P., Schultz, P.G. "Organization of ‘Nanocrystal Molecules’ Using DNA." Nature, 382:609-611, 1996.
143.Cornish, V.W., Hahn, K.M., Schultz, P.G. "Site-Specific Protein Modification Using a Ketone Handle." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(34):8150-8151, 1996.
142.Wei, T., Xiang, X.-D., Wallace-Freedman, W.G., Schultz, P.G. "Scanning Tip Microwave Near Field Microscope." Appl. Phys. Lett., 68(24):3506-3508, 1996.
141.Norman, T.C., Gray, N.S., Koh, J.T., Schultz, P.G. "A Structure-Based Library Approach to Kinase Inhibitors." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(29):7430-7431, 1996.
140.Conn, M.M., Prudent, J.R., Schultz, P.G. "Porphyrin Metalation Catalyzed by a Small RNA Molecule." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(25):7012-7013, 1996.
139.Flanagan, M.E., Jacobsen, J.R., Sweet, E., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody-Catalyzed Retro-Aldol Reaction." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(23):6078-6079, 1996.
138.Fan, E., Oei, Y., Sweet, E., Uno, T., Schultz, P.G. "Antibodies with Thiol-s-Transferase Activity." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118:5474-5475, 1996.
137.Hsieh-Wilson, L.C., Schultz, P.G., Stevens, R.C. "Insights into Antibody Catalysis: Structure of an Oxygenation Catalyst at 1.9-Å Resolution." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 93:5363-5367, 1996.
136.Ulrich, H.D., Driggers, E.M.G., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody Catalysis of Pericyclic Reactions." Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 50:328-332, 1996.
135.Uno, T., Ku, J., Prudent, J.R., Huang, A., Schultz, P.G. "An Antibody-Catalyzed Isomerizaton Reaction." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(16):3811-3817, 1996.
134.Sera, T., Schultz, P.G. "In Vivo Selection of Basic Region-Leucine Zipper Proteins with Altered DNA Binding Specificities." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 93:2920-2925, 1996.
133.Hsieh-Wilson, L.C., Xiang, X.-D., Schultz, P.G. "Lessons from the Immune System: From Catalysis to Materials Science." Accts. Chem. Res., 29(3):164-170, 1996.
132.Liu, D.R., Cload, S.T., Pastor, R.M., Schultz, P.G. "Analysis of Active Site Residues in Escherichia coli Chorismate Mutase by Site-Directed Mutagenesis." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(7):1789-1790, 1996.
131.Cload, S.T., Liu, D.R., Pastor, R.M., Schultz, P.G. "Mutagenesis Study of Active Site Residues in Chorismate Mutase from Bacillus subtilis." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118(7):1787-1788, 1996.
130.Patten, P.A., Gray, N.S., Yang, P.L., Marks, C.B., Wedemayer, G.J., Boniface, J.J., Stevens, R.G., Schultz, P.G. "The Immunological Evolution of Catalysis." Science, 271:1086-1091, 1996.
129.Ulrich, H.D., Patten, P.A., Yang, P.L., Romesberg, F.E., Schultz, P.G. "Expression Studies of Catalytic Antibodies." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 92:11907-11911, 1995.
128.Jacobsen, J.R., Schultz, P.G. "The Scope of Antibody Catalysis." Curr. Opin. Struc. Bio., 5:818-824, 1995.
127.Cook, S.N., Jack, W.E., Xiong, X., Danley, L.E., Ellman, J.A., Schultz, P.G., Noren, C.J. "Photochemically Initiated Protein Splicing." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 34(15):1629-1630, 1995.
126.Briceño, G., Chang, H., Sun, X., Schultz, P.G., Xiang, X.D. "A Class of Cobalt Oxide Magnetoresistance Materials Discovered With Combinatorial Synthesis." Science, 270:273-275, 1995.
125.Prudent, J.R., Staunton, J., Schultz, P.G. "Probing the Structural Determinants of a Catalytic RNA with Isomerase Activity" J. Am. Chem. Soc." 117:10145-10146, 1995.
124.Schultz, P.G., Lerner, R.A. "From Molecular Diversity to Catalysis: Lessons from the Immune System." Science, 269:1835-1842, 1995.
123.Thorson, J.S., Chapman, E., Schultz, P.G. "Analysis of Hydrogen Bonding Strengths in Proteins Using Unnatural Amino Acids." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117:9361-9362, 1995.
122.Ku, J., Schultz, P.G. "Alternate Protein Frameworks for Molecular Recognition." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 92:6552-6556, 1995.
121.Xiang, X.-D., Sun, X., Briceño, G., Lou, Y., Wang, K.-A., Chang, H., Wallace-Freedman, W.G., Chen, S.-W., Schultz, P.G. "A Combinatorial Approach to Materials Discovery." Science, 268:1738-1740, 1995.
120.Jacobsen, J.R., Cochran, A.G., Stephans, J.C., King, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "Mechanistic Studies of Antibody-Catalyzed Pyrmidine Dimer Photocleavage." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117:5453-5461, 1995.
119.Mendel, D., Cornish, V.W., Schultz, P.G. "Site-Directed Mutagenesis with an Expanded Genetic Code." Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct., 24:435-62, 1995.
118.Nowak, M.W., Kearney, P.C., Sampson, J.R., Saks, M.E., Labarca, C.G., Silverman, S.K., Zhong, W., Thorson, J., Abelson, J.N., Davidson, N., Schultz, P.G., Dougherty, D.A., Lester, H.A. "Nicotinic Receptor Binding Site Probed with Unnatural Amino Acid Incorporation in Intact Cells." Science, 268:439-442, 1995.
117.Johnsson, K., King, D.S., Schultz, P.G. "Studies on the Mechanism of Action of Isoniazid and Ethionamide in the Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117:5009-5010, 1995.
116.Moran, E.J., Wilson, T.E., Cho, C.Y., Cherry, S.R., Schultz, P.G. "Novel Biopolymers for Drug Discovery." Biopolymers, 37:213-219, 1995.
115.Müller, W.T., Klein, D.L., Lee, T., Clarke, J., McEuen, P.L., Schultz, P.G. "A Strategy for the Chemical Synthesis of Nanostructures." Science, 268:272-273, 1995.
114.Cornish, V.W., Mendel, D., Schultz, P.G. "Probing Protein Structure and Function with an Expanded Genetic Code." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 34:621-633, 1995.
113.Thorson, J.S., Chapman, E., Murphy, E.C., Schultz, P.G. "Linear Free Energy Analysis of Hydrogen Bonding in Proteins." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117:1157-1158, 1995.
112.Ku, J., Schultz, P.G. "Phage Display of Catalytically Active Staphlococcal Nuclease." Bioorg & Med. Chem., 2(12):1413-1415, 1994.
111.Cornish, V.W., Kaplan, M.I., Veenstra, D.L., Kollman, P.A., Schultz, P.G. "Stabilizing and Destabilizing Effects of Placing α-Branched Amino Acids in Protein a-Helices." Biochemistry, 33:12022-12031, 1994.
110.Cornish, V.W., Schultz, P.G. "A New Tool for Studying Protein Structure and Function." Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 4:601-607, 1994.
109.Johnsson, K., Schultz, P.G. "Mechanistic Studies of the Oxidation of Isoniazid by the Catalase Peroxidase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116:7425-7426, 1994.
108.Jacobsen, J.R., Schultz, P.G. "Antibody Catalysis of Peptide Bond Formation." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 91:5888-5892, 1994.
107.Prudent, J.R., Uno, T., Schultz, P.G. "Expanding the Scope of RNA Catalysis." Science, 264:1924-1927, 1994.
106.Van Vranken, D.L., Panomitros, D., Schultz, P.G. "Catalysis of Carbamate Hydrolysis by an Antibody." Tetrahedron Letters, 35:3873-3876, 1994.
105.Huang, L., Sera, T., Schultz, P.G. "A Permutational Approach Toward Protein-DNA Recognition." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 91:3969-3973, 1994.
104.Cornish, V.W., Benson, D.R., Altenbach, C.A., Hideg, K., Hubbell, W.L., Schultz, P.G. "Site Specific Incorporation of Biophysical Probes into Proteins." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 91:2910-2914, 1994.
103.Shokat, K.M., Uno, T., Schultz, P.G. "Mechanistic Studies of an Antibody-Catalyzed Elimination Reaction." J. Am. Chem. Soc, 116:2261-2270, 1994.
102.Yu, J., Hsieh, L.C., Kochersperger, L., Yonkovich, S., Stephans, J.C., Gallop, M.A. Schultz, P.G. "Progress Toward An Antibody Glycosidase." Angew. Chem. Int. Engl. Ed., 33(3):339-341, 1994.
101.Braisted, A.C., Schultz, P.G. "An Antibody-Catalyzed Oxy Cope Rearrangement." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116:2211-2212, 1994.
100.Hsieh, L.C., Stephans, J.C., Schultz, P.G. "An Efficient Antibody-Catalyzed Oxygenation Reaction." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116:2167-2168, 1994.
621. Miglianico, M.; Eldering, M.; Slater, H.; Ferguson, N.; Ambrose, P.; Lees, R. S.; Koolen, K. M. J.; Pruzinova, K.; Jancarova, M.; Volf, P.; Koenraadt, C. J. M.; Duerr, H.-P.; Trevitt, G.; Yang, B.; Chatterjee, A. K.; Wisler, J.; Sturm, A.; Bousema, T.; Sauerwein, R. W.; Schultz, P. G.; Tremblay, M. S.; Dechering, K. J., "Repurposing isoxazoline veterinary drugs for control of vector-borne human diseases", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 10.1073/pnas.1801338115, 2018 Jul 17
620. Li, J. C.; Nastertorabi, F.; Xuan, W.; Han, G. W.; Stevens, R. C.; Schultz, P. G., "A Single Reactive Noncanonical Amino Acid Is Able to Dramatically Stabilize Protein Structure", ACS Chem. Biol., 10.1021/acschembio.9b00002, 2019 Jun 21.
619. Bakowski, M. A.; Shiroodi, R. K.; Liu, R.; Olejniczak, J.; Yang, B.; Gagaring, K.; Guo, H.; White, P. M.; Chappell, L.; Debec, A.; Landmann, F.; Dubben, B.; Lenz, F.; Struever, D.; Ehrens, A.; Frohberger, S. J.; Sjoberg, H.; Pionnier, N.; Murphy, E.; Archer, J.; Steven, A.; Chunda, V. C.; Fombad, F. F.; Chounna, P. W.; Njouendou, A. J.; Metuge, H. M.; Ndzeshang, B. L.; Gandjui, N. V.; Akumtoh, D. N.; Kwenti, T. D. B.; Woods, A. K.; Joseph, S. B.; Hull, M. V.; Xiong, W.; Kuhen, K. L.; Taylor, M. J.; Wanji, S.; Turner, J. D.; Hübner, M. P.; Hoerauf, A.; Chatterjee, A. K.; Roland, J.; Tremblay, M. S.; Schultz, P. G.; Sullivan, W.; Chu, X.-J.; Petrassi, H. M.; McNamara, C. W., "Discovery of short-course antiwolbachial quinazolines for elimination of filarial worm infections", Science Translational Medicine, 10.1126/scitranslmed.aav3523, 2019 May 8.
618. Lucki, N. C.; Villa, G. R.; Vergani, N.; Bollong, M. J.; Beyer, B. A.; Lee, J. W.; Anglin, J. L.; Spangenberg, S. H.; Chin, E. N.; Sharma, A.; Johnson, K.; Sander, P. N.; Gordon, P.; Skirboll, S. L.; Wurdak, H.; Schultz, P. G.; Mischel, P. S.; Lairson, L. L., "A cell type-selective apoptosis-inducing small molecule for the treatment of brain cancer", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA),10.1073/pnas.1816626116, 2019 Mar 26.
617. Ahmed, N.; De Graaf, J. F.; Ahmed, N.; Foss, D. V.; Delcorde, J.; Schultz, P. G.; Pezacki, J. P., "Visualization of the Delivery and Release of Small RNAs Using Genetic Code Expansion and Unnatural RNA-Binding Proteins", Bioconjugate Chemistry, 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.8b00649, 2018 Dec 19.
616. Li, J.C.; Liu, T.; Wang, Y.; Mehta, A.; Schultz, P.G. "Enhancing Protein Stability with Genetically Encoded Noncanonical Amino Acids", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 10.1021/jacs.8b07157, 2018 Nov 5.
615. M. S.; Su, A. I.; Schultz, P. G.; Chatterjee, A. K., "The ReFRAME library as a comprehensive drug repurposing library and its application to the treatment of cryptosporidiosis" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 10.1073/pnas.1810137115, 2018 Oct 16.
614. Janes, J.; Young, M.E.; Chen, E.; Rogers, N.; Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, S.; Hughes, L.; Love, M.; Hull, M.V.; Kuhen, K.L.; Woods, A.K.; Joseph, S.B.; Petrassi, H.M.; McNamara, C.W.; Tremblay, M.S.; Su, A.I.; Schultz, P.G.; Chatterjee, A. "ReFRAME: A comprehensive drug repurposing library and its application to cryptosporidium antibiotics", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA); 115(42):10750-10755; 2018 Oct 16.
613. Bollong, M.J.; Lee, G.; Coukos, J.S.; Yun, H.; Zambaldo, C.; Chang, J.W.; Chin, E.N.; Ahmad, I.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Lairson, L.L.; Schultz, P.G.; Moellering, R.E. "A metabolite-derived protein modification integrates glycolysis with KEAP1-NRF2 signalling" Nature, 562(7728):600-604, 2018 October 15.
612. Mehta, A.P.; Supekova, L.; Chen, J.; Pestonjamasp, K.; Webster, P.; Ko, Y.; Henderson, S.C.; McDermott, G.; Supek, F.; Schultz, P.G. "Engineering yeast endosymbionts as a first step towards the evolution of mitochondria", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA); doi: 10.1073/pnas.1813143115; Epub 2018 Oct 29.
611. Zhong, L.; Tran, T.; Baguley, T.D.; Lee, S.J.; Henke, A.; To, A.; Li, S.; Yu, S.; Grieco, F.A.; Roland, J.; Schultz, P.G.; Eizirik, D.L.; Rogers, N.; Chartterjee, A.K.; Tremblay, M.S.; Shen, W. "A novel inhibitor of inducible NOS dimerization protects against cytokine-induced rat beta cell dysfunction" British Journal of Pharmacology, 175(17):3470-3485, 2018 Sep.
610. Mehta, A.P. Wang, Y.; Reed, S.A.; Supekova, L.; Javahishvili, T.; Chaput, J.C.; Schultz, P.G. "A bacterial genome containing chimeric DNA-RNA sequences" J. Am. Chem. Soc, 140(36):11464-11473, 2018 August 30.
609. Abdeen, S.; Kunkle, T.; Salim, N.; Ray, A.M.; Mammadova, N.; Summers, C.; Stevens, M.; Ambrose, A.J.; Park, Y.; Schultz, P.G.; Horwich, A.L.; Hoang, Q.Q.; Chapman, E.; Johnson, S.M. "Sulfonamido-2-arylbenzoxazole GroEL/ES Inhibitors as Potent Antibacterials against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)" J. Med. Chem., 61(16):7345-7357, 2018 August 23.
608.Supekova, L.; Zambaldo, C.; Choi, S.; Lim, R.; Lou, X.; Kazane, S.A.; Young, T.S. Schultz, P.G. "The genetic incorporation of p-azidomethyl-L-phenylalanine into proteins in yeast" Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 28(9):1570-1573, 2018.
607.Wang, J.; Schultz, P.G.; Johnson, K.A. "Mechanistic studies of a small molecule modulator of SMN2 splicing" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 115(20):E4604-E4612, 2018.
606.Zhang, G.; Baidin, V.; Pahil, K.S.; Moison, E.; Tomasek, D.; Ramadoss, N.S.; Chatterjee, A.K.; McNamara, C.W.; Young, T.S.; Schultz, P.G.; Meredith, T.C. "Cell-based screen for discovering lipopolysaccharide biogenesis inhibitors" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 10.1073/pnas.1804670115, 2018.
605.Crnovcic, I.; Gan, F.; Yang, D.; Dong, L.B.; Schultz, P.G.; Shen, B. "Activities of recombinant human bleomycin hydrolase on bleomycins and engineered analogues revealing new opportunities to overcome bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity" Bioorg. Med. Chem. Letters, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2018.04.065, 2018.
604.Young, D.D.; Schultz, P.G. "Playing with the Molecules of Life" ACS Chemical Biology, 13(4):854-870, 2018.
603.Yang, P.; Zou, H.; Lee, C.; Muppidi, A.; Fu, Q.; Luo, X.; Wang, D.; Schultz, P.G.; Shen, W. “A Stapled, Long-Acting GLP-2 Analog with Efficacy in Mouse DSS-Induced Colitis Models”, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 61(7):3218-3223, 2018.
602.Yao, A.; Reed, S.A.; Koh, M.; Yu, C.; Luo, X.; Mehta, A.P.; Schultz, P.G. "Progress toward a reduced phage genetic code" Bioorg. Med. Chem., 10.1016/j.bmc.2018.03.035, 2018.
601.Xuan, W.;Collins, D.R.S. Koh, M.; Shao, S.; Yao, A.; Xiao, H.; Garner, P.; Schultz, P.G. "Site-specific Incorporation of a Thioester Containing Amino Acid into Proteins":, ACS Chem. Bio., 10.1021/acschembio.7b00998, 2018.
600.Gan F.; Liu, R.; Wang, F.; Schultz, P.G. "Functional replacement of histidine in proteins to generate noncanonical amino acid dependent organisms" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140(11):3829-3832, 2018.
653. Lee, S. C.; Ma, J.; Kim, M. S.; Laborda, E.; Choi, S. H.; Hampton, E. N.; Yun, H.; Nunez, V.; Muldong, M. T.; Wu, C. N.; Ma, W.; Kulidjian, A.A.; Kane, C. J.; Klyushnichenko, V.; Woods, A. K.; Joseph, S. B.; Petrassi, M.; Wisler, J.; Li, J.; Jamieson, C.; Young, T. S. "A PSMA-targeted Bispecific Antibody for Prostate Cancer Driven by a Small-Molecule Targeting Ligand" Science advances, 7(33), eabi8193; 10.1126/sciadv.abi8193, 2021 Aug 11.
652. Dik, D. A.; Zhang, N.; Sturgell, E. J.; Sanchez, B. B.; Chen, J. S.; Webb, B., Vanderpool; K. G.; Schultz, P. G. "A Synthetic 5,3-cross-link in the Cell Wall of Rod-Shaped Gram-positive Bacteria." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(11), e2100137118, 2021 March 16.
651. Shalhout, S. Z.; Yang, P. Y.; Grzelak, E. M.; Nutsch, K.; Shao, S.; Zambaldo, C.; Iaconelli, J.; Ibrahim, L.; Stanton, C.; Chadwick, S. R.; Chen, E.; DeRan, M.; Li, S.; Hull, M.; Wu, X.; Chatterjee, A. K.; Shen, W.; Camargo, F. D.; Schultz, P. G.; & Bollong, M. J. " YAP-dependent Proliferation by a Small Molecule Targeting Annexin A2" Nature chemical biology, 10.1038/s41589-021-00755-0, 2021 March 15.
650. Jo, J.; Ibrahim, L.; Iaconelli, J.; Kwak, J.; Kumar, M.; Jung, Y.; Lairson, L. L.; Chatterjee, A. K.; Schultz, P. G.; Bollong, M. J.; Yun, H. "Discovery and SAR Studies of 3-amino-4-(phenylsulfonyl)tetrahydrothiophene 1,1-dioxides as Non-Electrophilic Antioxidant Response Rlement (ARE) Activators" Bioorganic chemistry, 108, 104614, 2021 March.
649. Koh, M.; Ahmad, I.; Ko, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Martinez, T. F.; Diedrich, J. K.; Chu, Q.; Moresco, J. J.; Erb, M. A.; Saghatelian, A.; Schultz, P. G.; Bollong, M. J. "A Short ORF-encoded Transcriptional Regulator." Proc. of the Nat. Acad. of Sciences (U.S.A) 118(4), e2021943118, 2021 Jan 26.
648. Riva, L.; Yuan, S.; Yin, X.; Martin-Sancho, L.; Matsunaga, N.; Pache, L.; Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, S.; De Jesus, P. D.; Teriete, P.; Hull, M. V.; Chang, M. W.; Chan, J. F.; Cao, J.; Poon, V. K.; Herbert, K. M.; Cheng, K.; Nguyen, T. H.; Rubanov, A.; Pu, Y.; Nguyen, C.; Chanda, S. K. "Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 Antiviral Drugs Through Large-Scale Compound Repurposing" Nature, 586(7827), 113–119, 2020 October.
647. Lear, S.; Pflimlin, E.; Zhou, Z.,; Huang, D.; Weng, S.; Nguyen-Tran, V.; Joseph, S. B.; Roller, S.; Peterson, S.; Li, J.; Tremblay, M.; Schultz, P. G.; Shen, W. "Engineering of a Potent, Long-Acting NPY2R Agonist for Combination with a GLP-1R Agonist as a Multi-Hormonal Treatment for Obesity" Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 63(17), 9660–9671, 2020 Sep 10.
646. Chin, E. N.; Yu, C., Vartabedian, V. F.; Jia, Y.; Kumar, M.; Gamo, A. M.; Vernier, W.; Ali, S. H.; Kissai, M.; Lazar, D. C.; Nguyen, N.; Pereira, L. E.; Benish, B.; Woods, A. K.; Joseph, S. B.; Chu, A.; Johnson, K. A.; Sander, P. N.; Martínez-Peña, F.; Hampton, E. N.; Lairson, L. L. "Antitumor Activity of a Systemic STING-Activating Non-Nucleotide cGAMP Mimetic" Science, 369(6506), 993–999, 2020 Aug 1.
645. Zambaldo, C., Koh, M., Nasertorabi, F., Han, G. W., Chatterjee, A., Stevens, R. C., & Schultz, P. G. (2020). "An Orthogonal seryl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA Pair for Noncanonical Amino Acid Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli" Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 28(20), 115662. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115662, 2020 Oct 15.
644. Dik, D.A.; Zhang, N.; Chen, J.S.; Webb, B.; Schultz, P.G. "Semisynthesis of a Bacterium with Non-canonical Cell-Wall Cross-Links" J. Am. Chem. Soc, 142(25):10910-10913. 2020 June 24.
643. Bakowski, M.A.; Beutler, N.; Chen, E.; Nguyen, T.; Kirkpatrick, M.G.; Parren, M.; Yang, L.; Ricketts, J.; Gupta, A.K.; Hull, M.V.; Schultz, P.G.; Burton, D.R.; Chatterjee, A.K.; McNamara, C.W.; Rogers, T.F. "Oral Drug Repositioning Candidates and Synergistic Remdesivir Combinations for the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19", bioRxiv, 10.1101/2020.06.16.153403, 2020 June 16.
642. Zambaldo, C.; Vinogradova, E.V.; Qi, X.; Iaconelli, J.; Suciu, R.M.; Koh, M.; Senkane, K.; Chadwick, S.R.; Sanchez, B.B.; Chen, J.S.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Liu, P.; Schultz, P.G.; Cravatt, B.F.; Bollong, M.J. " 2-Sulfonylpyridines as Tunable, Cysteine-Reactive Electrophiles." J Am Chem Soc., 10.1021/jacs.0c02721, 2020 April 29.
641. Shao, S.; Koh, M.; Schultz, P.G. "Expanding the genetic code of the human hematopoietic system." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 117(16):8845-8849, 2020 April 21.
640. Riva, L,; Yuan, S., Yin, X.; Martin-Sancho, L.; Matsunaga, N.; Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, S.; Pache, L.; De Jesus, P.P.; Hull, M.V.; Chang, M.; Chan, J.F.; Cao, J.; Poon, V.K.; Herbert, K.; Nguyen, T.T.; Pu, Y.; Nguyen, C.; Rubanov, A.; Martinez-Sobrido, L.; Liu, W.C.; Miorin, L.; White, K.M.; Johnson, J.R.; Benner, C.; Sun, R.; Schultz, P.G.; Su, A.; Garcia-Sastre, A.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Yuen, K.Y.; Chanda, S.K. "A Large-scale Drug Repositioning Survey for SARS-CoV-2 Antivirals" Preprint. bioRxiv. 2020;2020.04.16.044016, 2020 Apr 17.
639. Yang, P.Y.; Zou, H.; Amso, Z.; Lee, C.; Huang, D.; Woods, A. K.; Nguyen-Tran, V.; Schultz, P. G.; Shen, W. "New Generation Oxyntomodulin Peptides with Improved Pharmacokinetic Profiles Exhibit Weight Reducing and Anti-Steatotic Properties in Mice" Bioconjug Chem., 31(4), 1167–1176, 2020 April 15.
638. Ardestani, A.; Karthika Annamalai, S.L.; Lupse, B.; Geravandi, S.; Dobrowolski, A.; Yu, S.; Zhu, S.; Baguley, T.D.; Surakattula, M.; Oetjen, J.; Hauberg-Lotte, L.; Herranz, R.; Awal, S.; Altenhofen, D.; Nguyen-Tran, V.; Joseph, S.; Schultz, P.G.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Rogers, N.; Tremblay, M.S.; Shen, W.; Maedler, K "Neratinib Protects Pancreatic Beta Cells in Diabetes" Nature Communications, 10.1038/s41467-019-12880-5, 2019 Nov 1.
637. Iaconell, J.; Ibrahim, L.; Chen, E.; Hull, M.; Schultz, P.G.; Bollong, M.J. "Small-Molecule Stimulators of NRF1 Transcriptional Activity" ChemBioChem, 0.1002/cbic.201900487, 2019 Oct 9.
636. Koh, M.; Yao, A.; Gleason, P.R.; Mills, J.H.; Schultz, P.G. "A General Strategy for Engineering Noncanonical Amino Acid Dependent Bacterial Growth" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 10.1021/jacs.9b08491, 2019 Oct 3.
635. Mehta, A.P.; Ko, Y.; Supekova, L.; Pestonjamasp, K.; Li, J.; Schultz, P.G. "Toward a Synthetic Yeast Endosymbiont with a Minimal Genome." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 10.1021/jacs.9b08290, 2019 Sep 4.
634. Koh, M.; Cho, H.Y.; Yu, C.; Choi, S.; Lee, K.B.; Schultz, P.G. "Site-Specific Incorporation of a Dithiolane Containing Amino Acid into Proteins" Bioconjugate Chem., 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.9b00413, 2019 Aug 21.
633. Zhang, Y.; Fang, C.; Wang, R.E.; Wang, Y.; Guo, H.; Guo, C.; Zhao, L.; Li, S.; Li, X.; Schultz, P.G.; Cao, Y.J.; Wang, F. "A Tumor-Targeted Immune Checkpoint Blocker", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 116(32):15889-15894, 2019 Aug 6.
632. Li, J. C.; Nastertorabi, F.; Xuan, W.; Han, G. W.; Stevens, R. C.; Schultz, P. G., "A Single Reactive Noncanonical Amino Acid Is Able to Dramatically Stabilize Protein Structure", ACS Chem. Biol., 10.1021/acschembio.9b00002, 2019 Jun 21.
631. Bakowski, M. A.; Shiroodi, R. K.; Liu, R.; Olejniczak, J.; Yang, B.; Gagaring, K.; Guo, H.; White, P. M.; Chappell, L.; Debec, A.; Landmann, F.; Dubben, B.; Lenz, F.; Struever, D.; Ehrens, A.; Frohberger, S. J.; Sjoberg, H.; Pionnier, N.; Murphy, E.; Archer, J.; Steven, A.; Chunda, V. C.; Fombad, F. F.; Chounna, P. W.; Njouendou, A. J.; Metuge, H. M.; Ndzeshang, B. L.; Gandjui, N. V.; Akumtoh, D. N.; Kwenti, T. D. B.; Woods, A. K.; Joseph, S. B.; Hull, M. V.; Xiong, W.; Kuhen, K. L.; Taylor, M. J.; Wanji, S.; Turner, J. D.; Hübner, M. P.; Hoerauf, A.; Chatterjee, A. K.; Roland, J.; Tremblay, M. S.; Schultz, P. G.; Sullivan, W.; Chu, X.-J.; Petrassi, H. M.; McNamara, C. W., "Discovery of Short-Course Antiwolbachial Quinazolines for Elimination of Filarial Worm Infections", Science Translational Medicine, 10.1126/scitranslmed.aav3523, 2019 May 8.
630. Lucki, N. C.; Villa, G. R.; Vergani, N.; Bollong, M. J.; Beyer, B. A.; Lee, J. W.; Anglin, J. L.; Spangenberg, S. H.; Chin, E. N.; Sharma, A.; Johnson, K.; Sander, P. N.; Gordon, P.; Skirboll, S. L.; Wurdak, H.; Schultz, P. G.; Mischel, P. S.; Lairson, L. L., "A Cell Type-Selective Apoptosis-Inducing Small Molecule for the Treatment of Brain Cancer", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA),10.1073/pnas.1816626116, 2019 Mar 26.
629. Ahmed, N.; De Graaf, J. F.; Ahmed, N.; Foss, D. V.; Delcorde, J.; Schultz, P. G.; Pezacki, J. P., "Visualization of the Delivery and Release of Small RNAs Using Genetic Code Expansion and Unnatural RNA-Binding Proteins", Bioconjugate Chemistry, 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.8b00649, 2018 Dec 19.
628. Li, J.C.; Liu, T.; Wang, Y.; Mehta, A.; Schultz, P.G. "Enhancing Protein Stability with Genetically Encoded Noncanonical Amino Acids", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 10.1021/jacs.8b07157, 2018 Nov 5.
627. Janes, J.; Young, M.E.; Chen, E.; Rogers, N.; Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, S.; Hughes, L.; Love, M.; Hull, M.V.; Kuhen, K.L.; Woods, A.K.; Joseph, S.B.; Petrassi, H.M.; McNamara, C.W.; Tremblay, M.S.; Su, A.I.; Schultz, P.G.; Chatterjee, A. "The ReFRAME Library as a Comprehensive Drug Repurposing Library and its Application to the Treatment of Cryptosporidiosis", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA); 115(42):10750-10755; 2018 Oct 16.
626. Bollong, M.J.; Lee, G.; Coukos, J.S.; Yun, H.; Zambaldo, C.; Chang, J.W.; Chin, E.N.; Ahmad, I.; Chatterjee, A.K.; Lairson, L.L.; Schultz, P.G.; Moellering, R.E. "A Metabolite-Derived Protein Modification Integrates Glycolysis with KEAP1-NRF2 Signalling" Nature, 10.1038/s41586-018-0622-0, 2018 October 15.
625. Mehta, A.P.; Supekova, L.; Chen, J.; Pestonjamasp, K.; Webster, P.; Ko, Y.; Henderson, S.C.; McDermott, G.; Supek, F.; Schultz, P.G. "Engineering Yeast Endosymbionts as a First Step Towards the Evolution of Mitochondria", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA); 10.1073/pnas.1813143115; 2018 Nov 13.
624. Zhong, L.; Tran, T.; Baguley, T.D.; Lee, S.J.; Henke, A.; To, A.; Li, S.; Yu, S.; Grieco, F.A.; Roland, J.; Schultz, P.G.; Eizirik, D.L.; Rogers, N.; Chartterjee, A.K.; Tremblay, M.S.; Shen, W. "A Novel Inhibitor of Inducible NOS Dimerization Protects Against Cytokine-Induced Rat Beta Cell Dysfunction" British Journal of Pharmacology, 175(17):3470-3485, 2018 Sep.
623. Mehta, A.P. ; Wang, Y.; Reed, S.A.; Supekova, L.; Javahishvili, T.; Chaput, J.C.; Schultz, P.G. "A Bacterial Genome Containing Chimeric DNA-RNA Sequences" J. Am. Chem. Soc, 140(36):11464-11473, 2018 August 30.
622. Abdeen, S.; Kunkle, T.; Salim, N.; Ray, A.M.; Mammadova, N.; Summers, C.; Stevens, M.; Ambrose, A.J.; Park, Y.; Schultz, P.G.; Horwich, A.L.; Hoang, Q.Q.; Chapman, E.; Johnson, S.M. "Sulfonamido-2-arylbenzoxazole GroEL/ES Inhibitors as Potent Antibacterials against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)" J. Med. Chem., 61(16):7345-7357, 2018 August 23.